Wednesday, December 19, 2018

AP English Literature Winter Break Assignment

Good Morning! I hope that all have had a chance to get some rest. As previously stated, your Winter Break Assignment is posted here.  Do note that some assignments are actually DUE before we return to school or ON THE DATE WE RETURN.  Some assignments call for you to use Schoology to submit them.
Assignment One: Read and create dialectical journals for the final play in the Oedipus Cycle: Antigone. Antigone can be found by clicking the hyperlink here: Antigone Paul Rouche 
2. Dialectical Journals on Antigone.  Select a quote, then respond: What does the quote say/REVEAL about a character, their motives, their development, their advice (if the Chorus); or the plot?  You must have 20 such quotes and responses.  You must have at least 2 quotes from the following: The Chorus; Ismene; The Messenger. The rest can come from the other major characters.
3. A Major Data Worksheet on Antigone.
4. Reading from our text on Poetry.
5. Deciding on a Novel to read or even RE-Read with a group of no fewer than 3 and no more than 5 students for literature circles.  Please check back as I will hyperlink the Major Data Worksheet.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

AP English Literature period 1

Today, in class, we will briefly discuss your responses to the Free Response Question #3 connecting How to Read Literature like a Professor and the first two texts in the Oedipus Cycle. As previously discussed, the rubric used is the AP General Scoring Rubric, and the essay is worth a total of 90 points. Click here to read the AP General Essay Scoring Rubric. Click the first link, and the rubric should download in your computer.  We will also briefly discuss the short response questions. Then, I will finish inputting your Reading Reaction records while we watch The Gospel of Colonus.  At this time, no grades have been recorded in MISIS yet.  Please also do not ask "did you put this in?" As a teacher, I decide what assignments are indicative of progress. Currently, AP English Literature students have obtained a gratuitous number of points and credits for Practice Exams, Completing Reflections, and Creating A Multiple Choice Exam; Padlets; and Defining Literary Terms.  I won't be swayed if you are borderline on your grade unless you average a 6 or above on essays.

Monday, December 10, 2018

H. Expository Composition Period 2

First, click here to complete the Interview Reflection.
Then you will have a chance to share with a peer and the class.
Next, The Fall of Rome, "mini-exam".

AP English Literature Reflection

1. AP English Literature End of Semester Reflection 
2. Study Time-- This is for those who didnt receive their Major Data Worksheets
3. Winter Break Assignment: Finish the novel you are re-reading.  Continue to complete reading reaction records and annotate passages.  Major Data Worksheet on Your Novel
4. Exam

Friday, December 7, 2018

H. Expository Composition Periods 6

Artwork: Select ANY scene from the novel The Fall of Rome.  Draw that scene.  It may include characters, or simply be scenery.  Perhaps you thematically draw one of the major characters: Jerome, Rashid, Jana. Or perhaps you draw all three of them, perhaps how they symbolically intersect.  Be creative! Use color, pencil, pen, or even chalk.  Make your drawing on white paper.  It should use the entire space . It may be vertical or horizontal.

2. Option 2--Not an artist? Create a series of haiku poems, or other poems about 6 pivotal characters from The Fall of Rome.  Due Wednesday with your Interview Audio (Remember, you will present/do the interview reflection in class)

Thursday, December 6, 2018

H. Expository Composition Period 6

So that we are able to finish our novel, The Fall of Rome, and engage in meaningful discussion, please read the following: Chapters 12-13. Use post-it notes to note interesting or sentences of note. Then, simply find an index card or half sheet of paper, and retitle chapters 12 and 13.  That is, based on your reading, give Chapter 12 a new title, and Chapter 13 a new title.  Be ready to discuss with me and with peers!  Lastly, please be sure that you have found an interviewee, and have any questions for me ready.

Reviewing Oedipus and Oedipus at Colonus

Questions for Notes and Written Discussion
1. Why is it significant that Oedipus Rex begins with a question?
2. What role do questions have in Oedipus Rex?
3. Discuss the symbolism of rivets and bindings.
4.  How are suffering and wisdom connected?
5.  What ironies are present in Oedipus Rex and Oedipus at Colonus?

Keep Reviewing Oedipus Rex and Oedipus at Colonus.  Pick 3 of the most important passages or scenes in Oedipus Rex and three of the most important scenes in Oedipus at Colonus. Re-familiarize yourself with the plot.  Tomorrow ALL students who turned them in will get back their Major Data Worksheet and any Oedipus Related Bio-Poems and study questions to study for the weekend.

On Monday, you will have an exam on Oedipus Rex and Oedipus at Colonus.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Honors Period 2

1. Finish your SOAPS and A Summary/Reaction of one page your article.  How did you react/relate to the content (did you agree, were you surprised, etc). Please write out this assignment!
2. Begin looking for your interviewee!

Monday, December 3, 2018

H. Expository Composition Period 6

Article of The Week
Experiencing the Demons.  Please read any of the following for your Article of the Week. You may choose to read the same article with a partner: My White Boss Talked about Race in the United States and This is What Happened. 
Beyond The Myths: The Paternal Values of Latino Fathers
Black Men and Public and Public Spaces by Brett Staples p. 240 in our text.
Beyond The Model Myth: Why the Studious Asian Myth Hurts 
The Myth of The Latin Woman by Judith Ortiz Cofer (in our online text, p.232)
The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools
Home, Strange Home, Caught between Nigeria and America
The Black Middle Class is Leaving Its Brothers and Sisters Behind
Stop Trying To Flip Female Trump Supporters

Homework: Finish reading the article you chose.  Then complete a SOAPS and a written reflection (not a summary) of the article.  How did you interact with the text? Where there personal connections that you made with the piece? Was it serious, humorous? Did you enjoy or appreciate the text? How so? Why?
Read Chapter 11-13 in The Fall of Rome. Just Read it, even if I don't post any questions.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Low AP English Lit Scores

Read the article hyperlinked here and then respond: Why do you think 2018 AP Literature scores were the lowest in history? For College Board Score Reports Click here: College Board Score Distribution

2. Homework: Continue Reading your novel that you are re-reading. Read no fewer than 45 pages. For each 15 pages, please complete a reading reaction record. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT POWERPOINT. We will do that in class!

Thursday, November 29, 2018

H. Expository Composition Period 2

Period 2 Agenda
1. Please finish your group assignment in which you identify the "Dozen Demons" as experienced by Mr. Washington and Rashid (based on your side of the classroom). You will present tomorrow, so you may need to take your posters home.
2. Work on your college admissions essays and applications as needed.  Be respectful.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

AP Literature Period 1

On Thursday, all 11th grade teachers will have a teacher training at Banneker; so the following homework is not due until Friday: Continue reading in your novel. Read at least 30 pages before Friday. Complete a Reading Reaction Record.
2. On Thursday, you will have the chance in class to begin typing a Major Data Worksheet for your Novel Re-Read.
3. We may also begin viewing The Gospel of Colonus, so bring headphones just in case.
4. Continue to review Oedipus at Colonus. We will begin reading Antigone on Monday.

Monday, November 26, 2018

H. Expository Composition period 6

1. Finish your SOAPS on "My Mother Never Worked" or "38 Who Saw Murder and Didnt Call the Police"
2. Carefully read The Fall of Rome Chapters 7 and 8. 
Then respond:
1. Why do you think the Chelsea staff overlooked Mr. Washington for the position of Dean or Headmaster even? What does it reveal about Mr. Washington's character that he stays at Chelsea after being overlooked?
2.  Why do you think Ted Fox makes a big mistake when asking Mr. Washington to accompany him on the trip to New Haven to meet with Black Chelsea Alumni?
3.  When Mr. Washington arrives at the meeting, he interacts with an African-American Alum by the name of Mr. Harper.  Summarize their interactions; and explain why the author writes such a character into the plot.
3. Re-read "A Dozen Demons" by Ellis Cose for a reading quiz on Wednesday connecting the Dozen Demons to the novel/characters.

AP English Literature period 1

1. Write a one-two paragraph response in which you review the components of summary and analysis.  What does a summary have that an analysis doesn't?
2. Review key facts about your movie.
3. Finish your Character Bio/I Am Poems: on Oedipus; Theseus; Polyneices; Creon; Antigone; Ismene based on Oedipus at Colonus. Be sure you consult Traits of Character or Adjectives/Character Traits. You may write them or type them. Read and make notes on the Poetry Packet and your AP Exam.  All assignment must be submitted at the same time and are fully due tomorrow!
4. Review literary terms and techniques!!! Study, study, study!
5. Bring re-read book to class tomorrow!

Thursday, November 15, 2018

H. Expository Composition

1. Do you feel that older or more experienced members of  minority groups (race, ethnic, gender or sexual orientation) should make themselves available to serve as mentors to those novices belonging to the same minority group? For example, women engineers mentoring teenage girls who want to become engineers?
2. What do you think Rashid feels--the fact that he connects more to Ms. Hansen than Mr. Washington.
3. Select any 3 of the dozen demons that you have experienced.  Use narrative strategies to write your response. Be sure to write at least two paragraphs for each demon.
Bring books tomorrow

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Period 2, 4, 5, 6: Any Student Who Attended the Field Trip. "Valley of The Heart" reflection

Please write a one page reflection (minimum), musing on any of the following questions:
--What aspect of the play, "Valley of The Heart" most surprised or astonished you? Why?
--Which scene or scenes did you find most moving? Emotional?
--Luiz Valdez, author of "Zoot Suit" and "Valley of The Heart"includes Spanish/Spanglish and Japanese in the play.  What impact did his use of these languages have for you? How did they add a sense of authenticity to the play? Now do you see the power of including how folk really speak in your own narratives?
--What connections did you make to The Great Migration (period 4/5 students)? What about The Fall of Rome?...hint...there is one in terms of a character.....
--What about the minority/minority conflicts in the play that are difficult to admit.  In spite of the prejudice each group had toward each other, they came together. Do you think it is only under adversity, that minority groups will "come together"? What prevents a common understanding otherwise?
How did the play better help you to understand the common struggles that most all minorities experience?
-Anything else? What questions do you have?

AP English Literature period 1

AP English Literature Dramatic Readings from Oedipus at Colonus.  Be prepared and in costume. You should demonstrate evidence to read with appropriate emotion; voice; eye contact if needed. You will have a Thanksgiving Break Assignment that deals with Oedipus at Colonus as well as another practice Multiple Choice Exam, and something else!

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

H. World Literature period 2

Due Thursday, November 15th.
Applying "A Dozen Demons" to The Fall of Rome.  For each of the "demons" with the exception of mendacity, identify more than one character from The Fall of Rome and how/when they experienced the demon. Use specific evidence and even quotes/details from the novel.
2. Connection to "A Dozen Demons": Select any 3 of the demons listed in the article, then write a brief narrative in which you recount (remember and reflect) on a time when you experienced that demon. Your brief narratives, for grading purposes should be at least two paragraphs each.  Do note, you will be developing one of the narratives you write this week into a longer narrative essay over break about one of the topics.
3. Read the article, "A Dozen Demons" by Ellis Cose. Annotate it, paying careful attention to the first paragraph in which the author really states his claims.  Complete a SOAPS and summary with levels of questions: 2 right there; 2 author and you; 2 on my own.

Friday, November 9, 2018

H. Expository Composition period 6

Although we skipped around the article, "A DozenDemons" to avoid some of the more boring parts, please read the article.  Then complete a SOAPS and a Rhetorical Precis for it.  Include 3 questions: 1 Right There; 1 Author and Me; and 1 On My Own (you can do this instead of the style, clarification and application questions).

Reflective Writing. Cose highlights 12 "demons" that minorities face.  Can you think of 1-2 more that you feel you might face that might not have been around or experienced the same way as when Cose writes his essay.

Now, select any 4 of the 12 Demons listed in the Article.  Write reflectively about a time you experienced these.  Use the characteristics of narrative and descriptive writing: details; dialogue; flashback.

AP English Literature period 1

1. Complete practice AP Exam.
2. Complete Major Data Worksheets noticing important quotes from remaining characters. Please add an additional sheets if needed. Complete all sections of the Major Data Worksheet. Re-red and familiarize yourself s needed with Oedipus at Colonus.
3. Select team members and begin practicing your scenes.

H. Expository Composition Period 2

1.  Complete an upload a SOAPS for the article, "Preparing for Power: Cultural Capital and Elite Private Boarding Schools".  Complete an Academic Summary for this article as well as create 2 Right There Questions; 1 Author and You Question; and 2 On My Own Questions.
2. Read The Fall Of Rome: Chapters 7-9. Reading Quiz Tuesday!

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

AP Literature Homework

1. Re-read, if needed, parts of Oedipus at Colonus to continue to work on your Major Data Work Sheet.  Which important quotes might you have from the following characters: Antigone; Ismene (minor character); Creon; Theseus?
2. Summarize Oedipus' speech as discussed. Answer the questions that I wrote on the board.

Friday, November 2, 2018

H. Expository Composition p.2 The Fall of Rome & Narration

The Fall of Rome:
1. What is happening in terms of the narration? How are the stories of the main character starting to mix?
2. Why is Mr. Washington such an "asshole" of a character? Your response should use the text to support your answer as well as your own opinion, observation and reactions.
Narrative Texts:
Respond to each of the following narrative prompts:
Each of the following prompts is narrative, meaning they build on the power of a personal story. Use elements of narration including dialogue and description
1. Recollect and write about a time someone invaded your personal space, or did something that annoyed you, although they were oblivious to it.
2. Write about a time you won or were the underdog and triumphed.
3. Sugar you have a nick-name? Write about one or many of your nick names and the story behind it/them.  It can be a totally different name from your birthday, or it might be a shortened version--like Tosh is for Latosha (my name). Who calls you the name, what does it mean to you? When do they call you the name?

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

AP English Literature

1. Finish reading the essay, "Revise for Evidence". Then, create a Padlet in which you take notes on our Essay, revise for evidence.  Have sections for Qualities of Information; Disadvantaged of Vague Information

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

H. Expository Composition Periods 2 and 6

H. Composition period 2: Begin visualizing, planning and creating your Identity Puzzles.  Must include: Color; Creativity; the quote by Henry Louis Gates, Jr.; and at least 20 splinters or subsets of your race/ethnicity.
2. Those students who were giving blood or working for leadership: Be sure to complete your Self Awareness Circles Exercise, and the one page reflection that accompanies it.

Period 6: Here are your The Fall of Rome Questions:
2. Why do you think the teacher, Mr. Washington prefers the term "Nego" even though he knows it is outdated?
5. What does Mr. Washington mean when he says, " it is up to us to make best of opportunities what we will."
8. Describe Kofi's family after the shooting.
9. How does Rashid read, or predict that Mr. Washington held him unfavorably?
10. Contrast Gerald and Rashid.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

H. Expository Composition Identify Puzzles period 6

Our communities are even more fissured than white America asserts Henry Louis Gates, Jr. To reflect the diversity of your heritage and the diverse groups included in it, create an identity puzzle in which you include no fewer than 12 different splinter groups. Be creative and use color.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

H. Expository Composition period 2

1. Article of the Week: My Choice: A Nation Within  A Nation. Please read out loud as a class. You should mark and annotate the essay as needed.  Complete a SOAPS Analysis. Complete an academic summary or precis and upload it.  Include one right there question; one author and you question and one on my own question.
2. Then carefully read, study the examples of 11 sentence patterns. Then write one of each type and identify which type it is.  you may type your sentences and upload them on Schoology.

AP English Literature Period 1 Agenda

AP English Literature In-Class Work
Because I use Mastery Grading, you all have the chance to revise your exam.  Several students worked hard and simply need slight revisions (including more questions about characterization and actually using the word characterization in the question). Two students don't need much revision at all. The rest of your exams need work as describe in my comments to you. Several students did not submit or upload an exam at all. Several students do not have passages in their exam. 
Your job is to use the feedback I have given you and revise your exam or submit one, in the case of those students who did not submit an exam.  Procedure: First, re-read your OWN Exam.  Do you know see some of the issues that I identified? If yes, flag those questions as problematic and begin revising those first. 
2. If you did not submit an exam--submit it. But also read these instructions to make sure your exam does what it needs to do. 
Verb/Word bank: I should read the following verbs/word in your test questions and/or answers:  purpose; characterize; depict; describe; conflict; foreshadow; literary technique; speaker; tone; is meant; reveal; demonstrate; infer; generalize; conclude.....
3. Your reflection should be uploaded in terms of what you noticed when you re-read your own exam.  So be sure to re-read your exam and discuss it when your submit your AP Reflection about the challenges and joys of creating your own test.
4. Carefully construct an AP Free/Open question that does not specifically name Oedipus, but we know Oedipus can be a text a student would use to write.
5. Submit your answers to your newly submitted exam if you made any changes.  Due dates are listed in Schoology. No late work beyond the Schoology due dates is accepted.
So, I am looking for a revised, resubmitted exam; a reflection; an Open Ended Question; and later on Thursday, for use to categorize the knowledge domains used in the revised exam. Please print a copy of your revised exam for Thursday. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

AP English Literature

Translate Ode 5 sentence by sentence.  You should have no fewer than 13 sentences.
Find the passage of the play, Oedipus Rex to prepare for creation of your Multiple Choice Assessment.  You may want to review your Major Data Work Sheet for important quotes and descriptive words to describe/characterize passages and characters.
Please visit the following link to add the Remind App for AP English Literature 

H. Expository Composition period 2

1. Finish your Expository Text of the Week SOAPS. Remember, it has to be from the Narration Section or must be from Radio Rookies.
2. Public Narratives: As learned and discussed briefly in class, the public debate can change with time, and across different groups.  Following are ten issues.  Pick those issues that you are knowledgeable about and then write down what seems to be the public debate on these issues. Know that as a minority there is a such thing as the "general" public debate, and the "my group" public debate. You can respond to the following subjects from your view as a minority or the 'general public'
1. Police Officers      2. Confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh            3. NFL Players
4.  Nike Shoes, Inc.    5.  Black Lives Matter          6. #MeTooMovement    7. Charter Schools
8. Gentrification         9. Apple I-Phone         10. November Mid-Term Elections

Monday, October 8, 2018

H. Expository Composition Beginning Unit#2: Narration

Today, we will read and analyze the following essay that are in part narrative:

1. Fish Cheeks by Amy Tan
Homework: 1. Read another Narrative Essay from Patterns for College Writing.  Remember, it must be a narrative essay. Then complete your SOAPS, but also include a response to the question: Why does the author remember this incident when so many others have been forgotten?

Begin two separate and distinct narratives. One that could possibly be used in your College Admission Personal Insight Question.  Your narrative should clearly and specifically be used for one of the UC Questions OR a general admissions question.

2. Begin a narrative about something else...perhaps a time you felt embarrassed or out of place; your journey to the California; Los Angeles, or even the United States; a time you learned an important lesson; or you can write three paragraphs about each of these if you don't remember enough on one specific topic.

Friday, October 5, 2018

AP English Literature

Reading: Finish Reading Oedipus Rex. If you do not have the text, scroll down to the online downloadable versions. Remember to take notes, jot down meaningful and memorable passages or quotes or statements. 

Thursday, October 4, 2018

H. Expository Composition

Appositive Phrase Practice. Complete Practice Exercises 1-5; and and 5 from 11-18. Handout is here:
Appositive Practice PDF

Monday, October 1, 2018

AP Literature Modelling Toni Morrison

Creative Writing. Using the passage from Paradise by Toni Morrison as a model, think of an abstract concept (love) that you would like to make concrete by use of metaphor. Compose a response in which you state that your abstraction is something concrete. Also attempt to use the conventions that Mrs. Morrison uses in her example: antithesis (balanced opposites); parallelism achieved through repetition--alliteration; anaphora. Dont forget to have a metaphor in your composition.! Be ready to share tomorrow in class.

Friday, September 28, 2018

H. Expository Composition period 2

Good Morning,
Please follow the agenda for Period 2.
1. Engage in Friday Freewrite.  Two volunteers can pass out journals or all can write on their own regular notebook paper if cabinets are locked.
2. Be sure to submit hard copy or Schoology final draft descriptive essay. NO emailed copies.
3. Finish worksheet from yesterday on Objective and Subjective Description.
4.  Think of your favorite celebrity, or athlete; or entertainer or someone the class would know.  Write a description of that person using objective and subjective description.  On Tuesday, we will take turns seeing if we can identify the personage based on your description of him or her.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

H. Expository Composition

1. Select your favorite item of clothing; favorite pair of shoes, favorite place in your house. Identify them and begin jotting down adjectives and sensory details for each.
2. Reflection: What advice did you receive that you feel was correct or precise, or most helpful? Why was it helpful to provide feedback and receive it as well? Write a two paragraph minimum reflection on the process of giving and receiving feedback--being a mentor and mentee.
3. SOAPS----yes!
4. Final Drafts of Descriptive Essays are due this Friday.  NO papers accepted past Monday. Late papers incur penalty of 20% since Friday is Friday.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

AP Engl Lit/Expos Com p2

Ap Lit: Revise your 1972 essay. 1. Read the first 2 paragraphs out loud and voice-record them. Please read your entire essay out loud, but only the first 2 paragraphs need to be recorded.  2. Eliminate the past and use literary present tense and/or simple past if you need it. Remove most helping verbs (i.e. she had done becomes she did) 3. Remove second person, "you will read, you will see, we see". Replace with it comes clear, it will be revealed, shown, etc.  Bring Oedipus packet to class on Thursday. You may read up to page 12 if you would like.

H. Expos Comp period 2:  Type your Descriptive Essay Draft if you have not. Read it and elaborate based on class instruction. Then, have two copies of your draft printed BEFORE period 2. No one will be allowed to print during class!

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

H. Expository Composition Period 2

1. Rewrite one full paragraph subtracting as many details as possible, while still keeping the passage understandable.  The first paragraph may be rewritten to look like this:
Sometime in the morning, Denise found herself awake and listening to a sound that was coming from the water.  Squirt pushed himself up and peered into the night and when a growl began to issue from the puppy's throat, Denise grabbed him and stuffed him under her bag.  She thought she could make out the silhouette and did not want Squirt to antagonize the animal. When the sounds seemed to move Denise awoke the others and told them what she had heard.......
2. Continue or begin working on a FULL Draft of an Essay about a food that is special to you, your family, or your culture; and (perhaps) the person associated with that food. Write an essay in which you describe the food/dish, the person who makes it, and your feelings associated with.  Your draft should use sensory details like the two essays we have read: "Rice" by Jhumpa Lahiri and "The Night of The Grizzles"


Here is the link:

Friday, September 14, 2018

AP Literature Homework period 1

Begin drafting your own original, imaginative story with a setting; characters and plot.  Your story maybe in any genre: science fiction; dystopia; historical fiction or realistic fiction.   You may not copy or cut and paste.  Try your hand at using dialogue, details and imagery.  Ideally your story is almost any length over three pages--you need that among of time to develop your setting and your characters.  Perhaps you may want to brainstorm a conflict that you want your characters to grapple with BEFORE writing the actual story.  This may be helpful.

Additionally: 1. Be sure you copied the 70 question stems from the Open Question Handout.
2. Be sure you went to two or your category Padlets, and looked up and copy/pasted the definitions of those literary terms in your category blocks.  You also need to handwrite the definitions for those terms in two of your Padlet "blocks" . Here is the link to the definitions: Virtual Salt: A handbook of Literary Devices

Here is the rough draft to my response to 1972 AP English Literature Prompt
What did you need for your essay? You will have the change to RE-Read Chapter 1 or the opening scene to reconstruct your essay in class. You may want to bring the novel or play tomorrow or download a copy for your needs.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Descriptive Essay #1

Using "Rice" by Jhumpa Lahiri as . model, we will write a full length descriptive essay about a dish that has meaning for you and your family, and perhaps even your culture.  Your essay may choose to focus on the person who makes that dish in your family as well as the dish itself and recollect an event when the dish was made.  OR You may focus strictly on the dish and the variations of it in your family. You must include 4 of the 5 types of imagery. You must describe the dish using specific language and details.  You must also give some description and biographical information about the maker of the dish. Draft #1 due Friday, September 14th

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Analyzing A Descriptive Essay: Rice by Jhumpa Lahiri

1. What food or dish or baked good do you associate with a specific member of your family? What is it and with whom do you associate it?
2. What foods do you eat on a specific holiday? 
Re-read the essay entitled, "Rice" on pg 172 Patterns For College Writing and respond:
3. Write down all of the verbs Lahiri uses in the first two paragraphs. You should have between 22-24 verbs written down.
4. Now, write down all of the ingredients and their descriptions of Lahiri's father's pulao. You should have 15 ingredients.
5. Lastly add 7-10 ACTIVE verbs that Lahiri's father does to make the pulao dish.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

AP English Literature Period 1

1. Carefully read and mark the two essays given to you on Question 3; Mysterious Origins.  On a sheet of paper, give each student essay a score, and then justify the score that you gave using the AP English Literature Rubric for the Essay.  Upload your response to Schoology.
2. Be sure you have copied the 70 Question Stems. 

Friday, September 7, 2018

Expository Composition Periods 2 and 6

How can we improve presentations? Read/listen/engage with each of the following three sources aimed at improving presentations. While reading and listening, you may want to make connections as some of the information will be repeated in a different way. Then after reading, write a no fewer than one page reflection critiquing your presentation (both oral and as delivered) as well identify three concrete steps that you will include in your next presentation.  Did you follow the guidelines from the assignment? Did you include information from our online text or did you find a presentation somewhere else? What risks did your presentation take?
Link #1 8 Ways to Make Your Presentation More Interactive. 
Link #2 17 Killer Presentation Tips for Students Who Want to Stand Out. 
Link #3 How to Give A Good Presentation in Class: 3 Big Questions Answered
Additionally, rate another group's presentation. Which group had the most engaging presentation thus far? Share your rationale as to why!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Identifying Metaphors

Identify the metaphors in the following sentences. What things are being compared?
1. The lobbyists carefully cultivate the congressmen with favors and reap their rewards when the votes are taken.
2. Trapped in a white dominated world, minorities have learned to live with trouble.
3. The job has too many strings attached to it.
4. He is a hard-boiled character.
5. One of the main planks of their platform is to close tax loopholes.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

AP English Lit. Period 1

1. Carefully read and annotate the article, "Questioning the Text: Literary Analysis and Multiple Choice Testing by Eric Wimmers.
2. The metaphor practice questions will be assigned in class.  Didnt get the article? Come to my class during homeroom or ask a study buddy to take pics and share!

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Back to School

Back to School 

AP English Literature Period 1

1. Create meaning category titles to categorize the literary terms listed on the front and back of the literary term handout using Padlet.  Be sure that you think critically, and not consult other sources. There is a chance that a literary technique may fit in more than one category.  I imagine that you will have at least 8 categories of terms.
2. Read in our text: Chapter 7 WritingAbout Fiction pg 161, 164,165
3. NEWSFLASH:  The Article by Eric Wimmers is not scanned! Please check back by Sunday, early morning for the article. If it is not uploaded then it will be classroom reading on Tuesday!
Also, be prepared for timed writing on Tuesday!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Digging Deep: What is Exposition and Expository Composition?

Today you will work in groups to do a deep dive into the various elements of Exposition: Description; Narration; Argument; Exemplification; Classification; Compare; Contrast; Process; Cause and Effect; Classification and Division; Definition; Argumentation;

1. First, we will read and react to the Course Description for Expository Composition.
pages 137 & 147. Read the description, and jot down words and concepts. Make connections with the Academic Competency Statement.

2. Next, you will browse several technological presentations sites. You may use Google Slides; Kami;  Powerpoint; Canva; Flipgrid; Prezi; Peardeck or some other tool. In fact, spend some time browsing the Top Educational Technology Apps  or those listed above to select an application that you and your team feel will cause you to expand your knowledge base, engage others, and showcase your reading.  If all else fails, you may use old school chart paper.

3. Once you and your team are assigned, you will decide on the best Presentation method. Then, you will read the material on your Mode of Exposition. Finally, you will craft a presentation that includes the name, definition, examples, images or video, what it looks like in writing, why it is helpful or what it helps the reader or writer to do.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Introduction to Expository Texts of The Week

Since I began teaching the course, the scope of expository texts has exploded.  Truly, there is expository writing on almost any topic, subject, hobby, interest and disposition. That is why I seem so tentative so far--there is so much good writing to explore and share! As stated in our Academic Procedures, each week  you will find YOUR OWN individual Expository Text of the Week. You may choose from Magazine Articles and Op-Eds or Commentaries;  Podcasts or Editorials, or an occasional movie/film (provided that you viewed it recently). To help guide you, here are some resources, likes and places you might want to check out as you begin your journey. 
18 New York Times Articles to Read Before Eighteen 
Radio Rookies: Youth Radio from New York
Latino USA: Radio Journal of News and Culture from A Latino Perspective
Very Smart Brothas
The Huffington Post: communities Black Voices; Queer Voices; Women's Voices; Latino Voices
The Root: Black News, Culture, Opinion
I enjoy and love listening to podcasts and encourage you to explore podcasts and argumentative writing for your first Independent Reading SOAPS Analysis due Tuesday night at 10pm.  You may choose to read or listen to the same podcast at times. 

Friday, August 24, 2018

H. Expository Composition Homework periods 2 and 6

1. What constitutes Academic Literacy and why do we have this class?
2. Read the Academic Literacy Competency Statement, a joint statement from the UC/CSY and Community College Instructors about the competencies incoming students need. Carefully read pages 1-6 of the document; then page 10; then pages 12-17. You will make and upload a Padlet to record your: questions; statements that you agree with; disagree with; quotes; details; definitions; facts; comments on each segment of the reading. You should have no fewer than 15-24 Padlet Posts as a reaction to your reading of the first phase of the document. This is due Tuesday morning by 5:00 am.

Reading Notes: AP English Literature

Make a Padlet Outlining your notes to your reading of pages 1-31 on our Literature Craft and Voice Text. See my small example here:  Your padlet should contain no fewer than 15 post-its with a combinations of notes; reflections; annotations and definitions based on your reading.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Monday: Expository Text of The Week

1. Write your response to the Warm-up. Use some sort of evidence to defend your position.
2. Here is the article that we will use for today's demo of Text of the Week:  Article of the Week #1
3. Read and annotate your article. Circle words that have more than one meaning, underling thought provocative statements, ah-ha moments, ideas you agree with; ideas that are well phrased, etc.
4. Lyrics for the Song Analysis 
5. Google form Survey: Patterns for College Reading Essays I want to Read

Friday, August 17, 2018

Dear Students and Dear Ms. Guy Letter

Click here to read your first homework assignment. Dear Students 2018
Your return letter to me is due no later than Monday, August 20, 2018 at 8:00 AM.

Monday, June 18, 2018

English Ten B Summer Term 2018

Today, we will take a short survey after reviewing rules/ procedures and academic routines
Here is the Survey Link: English Ten B Survey 

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

H. World Literature period 6

1. Please bring Chronicle of A Death Foretold to class tomorrow. If enough of you are here, we will read it and have snacks. We will also share a bit of your Senior Reflective Essays as well so I hope you will make it! Please bring any other books you have not turned in as they are valuable and needed!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

H. English Literature period 5

Good afternoon, H.English Ten. Today, you will FIRST Watch the film, "Hail Caesar". Mr. Morris will distribute the film questions for you to answer while viewing the film. Melody--please help Mr. Morris (the guest teacher) with the VCR.
1. Complete/Watch Hail Caesar
2. Complete Hail Caesar A&E Video Questions.
3. If time permits, Complete the rest of your Edith Hamilton Study Guide Questions.
4. And--if you still have time, read the myth Orpheous. Mr. Morris, has the copies on my desk! Thank you for being on your best behavior!

Monday, May 21, 2018

H. World Literature period 6

Good afternoon Seniors! Thank you for being on your best behavior while I am away.
Your Agenda is as follows:
First, find the most interesting article that you can online! After reading, please complete a Today I Read Handout and submit to Mrs. Patton.
2. Then BEFORE Reading Chronicle of A Death Foretold AS A CLASS, answer the following questions: 1. What does it show about Bayard San Román that he buys the house belonging to the widower Xius? 2. What do Angela Vicario’s confidantes explain to her about a woman’s “honor”? 3.  Why does the narrator’s mother consider Angela Vicario’s putting on the wedding veil to be an act of courage? 
4.  Which of the townspeople were forewarned of the murder? What are their reasons for not having spoken to Santiago Nasar about it? 
5. How does the writer build suspense about the fate of Santiago Nasar? Why doesn’t it matter that you know what has happened from the beginning? 
Lastly, continue reading the text as a class! 

H. English Ten Period 5 Agenda

Please following todays agenda while I am away. First, you will read your Article of the Week. Then, complete the "Today I Read" Handout given to you by Mrs. Patton our guest teachers.  Be sure to turn in your Today I Read.
2. Next, in pairs, you will work on the Edith Hamilton Mythology Study Guide. Use your own paper AND you can also fill out items on the handout as well. 

Thursday, May 17, 2018

H. World Literature period 6

Today in class, we read Chronicle of A Death Foretold, up to page 67, as more events unfolded leading to the death of Santiago Nasar. Please catch up on your reading if you were testing. The story definitely picks up!

Period 5

Today we had a warm up: The Warm-up Focus: What makes groups The Life of Julius Caesar History Biography
Julius Caesar Biography

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

H. World Literature

Senior Reflective Essay 
In which social areas is a double standard against women manifest? List or discuss as many ways as you possibly can.
Talk: Why does Santiago Nasar killed? What is the motive?

Monday, May 14, 2018

Chronicle of A Death Foretold Close Reading and Discussion period 6

Who is supposed to die, based on the opening line of the novel? Describe the victim. Why does he not have his weapons on him physically? The victim is clothed in white linen when he dies. Explain the symbolism or potential symbolism of him wearing white?  The killers are twins.  Why might this be important or symbolic, that the killers are twins who look so alike that they couldn't be told apart? Why do you think Marquez chooses not to give the town a name? How was the victim killed? Describe the significance.  If you know Spanish translate the names of the characters. What do they mean in English?

H. English Ten period 5

1. Read your myths as assigned/picked in your groups.  Then complete your literature circle role sheets at home and be prepared to engage in a discussion in class tomorrow. We will finish our A&E Biography on William Shakespeare tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

H. English Ten period 5

Today in class we read the myth of Echo; Narcissus; Daedalus and Icarus; and Arachne. We also began reading the myth of Cupid and Psyche.
1. Select one of the myths that we read in class. Re-read the short myth, and draw/color an image highlighting the main character OR telling the story with the characters in that myth. First, sketch your image. Then use color to enhance your image! Think back to your illustrations when we did literature circles!
2. Write a poem: either a haiku  or a free-verse or poem with rhyme about one of the characters in mythology that we read today
3. We also learned the etymology of the following words: echo; narcissist; and arachne. Add these words to your notes.
4. Peruse the myths in the text and decide on a myth that you would like to read. In class on Thursday, we will finish the story of Cupid and Psyche (you may finish early if you would like) and get into small groups.. We will also begin working on a Theogeny family tree!

Friday, May 4, 2018

H. World Literature Period 6

Community Literature Initiative Creative Writing Prompts
Kindly finish the short story, ...."It Is After.." that begins on page 147
After by Carolina Rivera Escamilla
1. Rumors circulate of imminent war. Write a five sentence story of what you think.
2. Your parents tell you that arrangements have already been made that you will leave the country and that tomorrow you will be taken away by yourself to enter illegally into another country so that you might work to send back money. You are not allowed to take anything with you...describe how you feel.
3.  Your father built a house, but he does not let you call it a house, but a mansion. Why do you think he insists on calling the house the mansion?
4.  From where do you draw your language to create a story or poem? How does language relate to identity?
5. Write your own chapter is after.....

Thursday, May 3, 2018

H. World Literature Period 6

1. You MUST revisit any one of your best POEMS or responses to one of the prompts offered by the Community Living Writers Author Series. Re-read your response and then email it to Mr. Rondell Johnson at as an attachment. Be sure in the subject you state the name of your Poem, and King Drew Magnet High School. You name and date should be included on the poem itself.  You may also submit a copy of your model of "Heritage" as well. You must CC: LGUY@LAUSD.NET so that I know that you have completed the assignment. If you do not, you will receive a zero.
2. Continue writing your essays! You will submit and present on Monday, May 6th!

H. English Ten period 5

Today we read the The Myth of Prometheus in the hyperlinked document as well as pages 84-87 in our text.  Based on your understanding, answer the following:
1. Summarize two different accounts of how man was made.
2. Why does man need fire? 3. Summarize two different stories/accounts of how man obtained fire?
4. Why does Prometheus anger Zeus? 5. How does Prometheus trick Zeus? 6. How is Prometheus tortured?
The Myth of Pandora
1. What similarities are there between the story of Pandora and other religious stories?
Finish your Myths for Monday's peer feedback

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

H. English Ten Period 5

The Classic Best Seller Mythology. Read and annotate pg 62-76 on the other Greek God that was kind to humans--Dionysus.

Literature Circle Essay period 6

Literature Circle Essay: Goal To Have complete Rough Draft Finished Today.
Please consult the following essay: AP Essay Planning Guide

Monday, April 30, 2018

H. World Literature period 6

You must have a clearly articulate thesis sentence or two based on today's lesson that a thesis is a clear answer to a question posed by the prompt.

H. English Ten & H. World Literature

Today I Read (The SOAPS Alternative)

Saturday, April 28, 2018

H. English Ten period 5

1. Write a rap about the 12 Olympians or Titans for that matter. In your Rap or Poem, you may want to explore the beginning of the "Universe". Be creative.
2. Continue to write your myth/s. Your myth should answer a question; state how something began or explain an occurrence.  Your myth can use names, be humorous, include vivid descriptions. Be creative.

H. World Literature Period 6

1. Work some on your Literature Circle Essay. Will use AP Lit Rubric for scoring. Specifically I will re-teach thesis statements and supporting ideas with evidence and the logic of writing.
Review videos to help you understand the goal of writing a literary essay or any essay for that manner: 1. Writing an Literary Essay  2. Writing A Literary Analysis Paper

Thursday, April 26, 2018

H. World Literature Writing PRompts

Here is a link to the Google Document with Literature Circle Writing Prompts.

Reading myths from other cultures and writing original myths

Link for today's lesson
1. Visit and read short myths from three other countries/regions. Briefly summarize your myths on your own paper!
2. Then, follow the steps, for writing your own myth! Take one of the 8 ideas that you proposed, and brainstorm and begin writing your myth.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

H. World Literature period 6

Rating and Reflection: Follow the following link to reflect on your group presentation of Investigating History 

H. English Ten period 5 Myths

Brainstorm Assignment ONLY. On Tuesday, we read the Greek Account of How the World Began. Are you curious about how other things began? Or why we have certain things? Brainstorm a list of 8 things--phenomena like hot days, or acne, or gray hair! for example that you might be interested in writing a myth about. YOU DO NOT Have to write the myth yet! You are just identifying ideas that you might want to pursue. Your list of 8 items must be written before arrival to class. I or a helper will check this assignment at the door!

Monday, April 23, 2018

H. World Literature Period 6

1. You are to be commended for presenting information to your peers. Many of you do need to learn how be a much more quiet audience and avoid talking when a group is presenting, nevertheless, you had a change to learn about an important aspect of history by teaching and not taking notes passively.
As you know you will write an IN-CLASS essay on your Literature Circle Novel/Play in Class on Wednesday!. You may want to stop by tomorrow to get Literature Role Sheets. In either case, you will need to review the key points of your novel or play. You will be allowed to use your novel or play on Wednesday, but your must finish your essay in class on Wednesday.
2. How do you feel about the feedback that you received on your Group Presentation?If you would like to discuss or see the rubric, feel free to stop by. All feedback and Presentation scores should be uploaded in Schoology by Wednesday.

H. English Ten Period 5

Why Study Greek Mythology: Article of the Week
Without looking at "Article of the Week" List as many REASONS we read Mythology and stories, or mythological characters you can remember.

Friday, April 20, 2018

H. World Lit Period 6

1. Complete the Crossword--Investigating History Part I. Begin Reviewing your notes on the presentations as next week is Test Week. On Monday, we will hear our last two presentations: The remainder of the rise of the KKK; and the Geography of the South.
2. Complete the reflection based on the questions posted for Investigating History and submit. Your reflection must be typed and is due 2 days after your presentation.
3. Read all of Chapter 11 and 12 of Beacon on The Hill. Study Questions will be posted by Sunday at at noon.

H. English Ten period 5

Lord of the Flies Reading Reading the book Reflection: Complete the following reflection of your reading of Lord of the Flies. If you did not full finish reading, your response will be limited.
a. What do you think were William Golding intentions for writing the novel? How could you tell?
b. What did you like about the book? Why? Consider plot, writing style, characters, theme.
c. What did you not like about the book? Why?
d. Why do you think Lord of the Flies is a classic? Be sure you review the criteria for what makes a classic by clicking here:

Monday, April 16, 2018

H. World Literature period 6 What are states rights

For those of you interested in this concepts of States Rights?
A thought provoking article about the history of States Rights.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Reflecting on The Community Living Writer's Series

Today, before presentations, we will reflect on our Living Writers Series and complete a reflection in which we identify our top three favorite authors, least favorite authors (if any), and candidly discuss what we enjoyed about the program.  Please provide honest, and positive feedback as it is used to fund the program!
The only improvement I have for the program might be use of technology to collect your responses.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Honors English Ten period 5

Lord of The Flies Discussion Questions. Select each question, in any order and write varying responses based on your understanding of the text.
1. Why do you think Jack was so antagonistic toward Piggy from the novel's beginning?
2.  What does Jack mean to the little'uns?  What does Jack mean to Ralph and to Piggy?
3.  Who is the failure, Ralph or Piggy? Discuss?
4. Why is Roger MORE sadistic and EVIL than Jack? What purpose does this serve?
5. Explain the irony in the marines showing up to rescue the remaining boys?
6. Read the Afterword.

Monday, April 9, 2018

H. World Literature Period 6

Investigating History Reflection
What did you learn about the history of the United States as it relates to slavery, race, discrimination, the formation of a white southern identity; the struggle for freedom? What was the most interesting or striking thing you learned from your presentation and research? What connections can you draw from your research to today's treatment of minorities, including African-Americans; Latinos; immigrants of any race or ethnicity; women, or poor people? Your response to this question must be typed, should be no fewer than two pages, and is due two days after your presentation.

Literature Circle Novel Essay Prompts
For the past several weeks, you have been reading a text that in some ways is reflective either of The Great Migration and the possibility of it, or those who were left behind. We read, Manchild of The Promiseland; A Raisin in the Sun; The Color Purple; The Autobiography of Malcolm X; Their Eyes Were Watching God; The Autobiography of An Ex-Colored Man.  On Monday, you will write an in-class essay to demonstrate your understanding of your novel.  To begin to study, please review your returned Literature Circle Role sheets and any other handouts on the text.  If I decide to change your assignment, I will inform you by Thursday.

Beacon On The Hill Chapter 8-10
1. Dr. Kenney obviously knows that the best way to stem the spread of disease is sanitation.  What sanitation breaches did John highlight (mention) in his report on Tuskegee University?
2. What evidence is there in Chapter 8 that the general population of rural Tuskegee were somewhat superstitious? (Hint... you need two examples in order to draw a conclusion)
3.  What would you do if an epidemic of an infectious disease broke out at your college or university, and you had potentially been exposed to the disease?
4. Read Chapters 9 and 10 of Beacon on The Hill.  Know the following characters: The two white physicians who meet Dr. Kenny. Know the developments and struggles with the new hospital. Read the two chapters. They are engaging. The threat of a quiz should not make you read. 

Any responses to previous prompts from the Community Living Writers Series are due by Wednesday.

H. English Ten

1. Finish your SOAPS on this weeks audio podcast. The link to the audio and transcript can be found here at NPR Food, Housing, Insecurity May Be Keeping College Students from Graduating
2. Find your previous Independent Reading Text by Friday, April 13, 2018.  All novels checked out from Ms. Guy's library need to be collected for our next Independent Reading Cycle.
Finally, I will be grading Graphic Essays three or four, maybe five a day.  Beginning on Wednesday, check your Schoology, FIRST for grades in the Aesthetics Category. 

Saturday, April 7, 2018

H. English Ten

1. Carefully read Chapter 10 of Lord of The Flies. An audio file is available to compliment your reading here:

Friday, April 6, 2018

H. World Literature Period 6

Today, we interrupted presentations because we had a speaker from the Community Writers Series: Angela Aguirre!
As always: Which of the poems presented by Angela most resonated with you? Write a paragraph/page response.
Please select one of the prompts below.  If you were absent, you must answer PROMPT#2
1. Death: You may not know what it is like to lose someone you love, but we can all relate to the fact that one day we will die.  Picture yourself on your death bed. How old are you? Who is around? What kinds of things have people brought to try and make you smile? What are your last words of wisdom you want to leave you and your loved ones with?
2. Growth: Truth is I am in a constant state of growth. As you can tell by the poems in this section, I still have a lot of growing up to do. What about you? What areas of your life have you grown or need to grow from? Take time to reflect and brainstorm on your growth. Begin with the sentence, "I may not be where I want to be, but thank God I'm not where I was."  Then you will write a full introspective, reflective essay on a topic of your choosing. 
3. Create a LIST-Poem, in some ways modeled after Angela Aguirre's poem on page 19 of her book!

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

H. English Ten period 5

Homework: You were to finish your self assessment of your Graphic Essay, to include what you might do differently if you had a redo option.
2. Bring your Lord of the Flies Novel.
3. All students will get a printed copy of the parent letter in class tomorrow.

Friday, March 30, 2018

H. English Ten period 5 and H. World Literature Period 6

Looking forward to seeing the beautifully constructed Graphic essays with colorful vivid anchor images! Looking forward to reading outstanding interviews from individuals who made (or a family member made) the Great Migration! Looking forward to your presentations in period 6 as well!

Friday, March 23, 2018

H. World Literature period 6

To those who were absent, we watched the beginning of Roots the 2016 version It was well-received by those present.
1. You know that your interviews are due upon return from Spring Break, You should all have had time to write questions, and interview in person preferably, or over the phone an individual whose family or themselves participated in The Great Migration. You should have asked thoughtful questions.
2. Your group historical powerpoint/teaching presentation is due when you return.
3. Continue reading Beacon on the Hill Questions will be posted no later than Monday.

H. English Ten Honors Graphic Essay

Your Graphic Essay is Due on April 4th upon return from Spring Break.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

H. World Lit period 6

Late Post: Beacon on The Hill Chapter 4
1. Briefly discuss the rift between "upper" class and "working" class African-Americans as illustrated thorough John, his mother, and John's teacher.
2. Visit Wikipedia and find more information about White Sulphur Springs and The Greenbrier. Write down one historical fact about White Sulphur Springs and be sure to look at images of Greenbrier.
3.  Chapter 4, in which John works first with flowers and then becomes a waiter is beset (has many) ironies.  Identify two examples of irony from this chapter/John's experience in Sulphur Springs.
4. Create three questions on Chapter 4 that you would like to discuss!
5. Read Chapter 5.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

H. English Ten Homework

Visit the following Google Form link to submit two levels of questions based on your Article of the Week: Reviewing Levels of Questions
Lord of the Flies Chapter 8. Be sure to finish reading the Chapter
1. Why do you think Jack decides to leave Ralphs group?
2.  What do you think was the impact or effect of Jack's tears in front of the rest of the boys?
3. On page 133, its says He sized them up. Each of them wore the remains of a black cap and ages ago they had stood in two demure rows and their voices had been the song of angels." Explain the significance of the reference to the choir. What is significant about the group of boys who chose to be with Jack?
4.  Why does Jack hate Piggy even more than Ralph? Think, what logical reason could he have for hating him so much?

Monday, March 19, 2018

H. English Ten period 5

Confronting Violence and Boys
Today, you will have the option to choose between two articles concerning violence and boys, or how boys and girls are socialized differently regarding violence.
Article #1 Why Boys Are More Likely TO Be Violent
Article 2: How Boys and Girls Are Taught Different Things About Violence
Article 3: The Boys Are Not Alright

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Today, you will work independently in a variety of areas. First, you will continue reading your Independent Reading Novel for the first 12 minutes of class.
2. I will share expectations for the The Great Migration Interview Assignment. All students have been granted an extension as we discuss what makes a good interview and hear from a few students who have successfully interviewed staff.
3. Then, it is back to your Group Assignments: Investigating History. You may not get your first choice. You will have 15 minutes to discuss your plan, locate some online materials, think of a warm-up and plan your next steps.
4. Lastly, we will begin reading a new novel today entitled  Beacon on The Hill by Linda Kenney Miller.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Interviews as a Form of Qualitative Research per.6

Please review the following powerpoints and take notes. You may use the reflective journal format to record what you did, what you learned, surprises you experienced and how you can use it.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

English Ten Honors period 5

Final Draft of Character Analysis Essays are due tomorrow--Friday, March 9th. I will not accept essays after tomorrow. Essays may be handwritten or typed.

H. World Literature Period 6 Agenda March 8, 2018

1. Today you have several objectives: First, to discuss your Independent Reading in your Literature Circle Group. Then, you will work for ten more minutes to complete the Plot Graph that Ms. Wells passed on using your Independent Reading Text. You will complete boxes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6. You will turn it in to her! 3. You will return to whole class to continue reading the short story, "Greenleaf" by Flannery O'Connor.  Each student will read a paragraph or some aspect of the story. If the class wishes, a spirited reading from students familiar with the story may occur.  While reading-- remember our Answergarden where you were asked to write about what came to mind about 'white people'? Think of those words you included as your classmates. Highlight your text when you find evidence of those character traits.  No matter where the class gets in the story, your Homework: Create ten questions about the story: its characters; or things you don't understand; or aspects of the story you think we should notice and pay attention to. These 10 questions must be written on a clean unused sheet of paper and ready to be shared tomorrow!

H. English Ten period 5

Agenda for Honors English Ten period 5
Today, I am away at a training about 8 miles away. Please be on your best behavior and following all instructions of the guest teacher, Ms. Letha Wells
1. Journal Topics and Discussion (Write in your Notebook) on one of the following:
1. Who is the coward on the island, Ralph or Jack or both of them? Support your response with your opinion and understanding of the text.  Write for about 10 minutes. Then, share with your shoulder partner.

2. Lets revisit the plot of Lord of the Flies! Use the plot graph given you by Ms. Well. Complete the plot graph based on what you feel to be the Exposition, Inciting Incident, Rising Action, Climax.  You do not need to complete the conclusion because we are not there!  Here is the link just in case: Link to plot graph

3.  Continue reading Chapter 7/8. Before reading, do a TNT (Turn and Talk) about one more of your identified subjects/topics that you wrote on the half sheet, and how you see its development.
4. Carefully read Chapter 7/8. You may listen to the CD or read as a class! 

Sunday, March 4, 2018

H. World Literature period 6

1. Complete your SOAPS on Heritage by Countee Cullen. Be prepared to write on it  in class.
2. Bring your Independent Reading Novel for Silent Reading during the first 12 minutes of class.
3. Be sure to read the The Great Migration Interview Assignment and begin brainstorming individuals that you could possibly interview.

H. English Ten period 5

Your Character Analysis Essays are DUE!! Your written Character Analysis Essays are due.  YOU DO NOT NEED TO TYPE. IF YOU TYPE YOU MUST PRINT OUT BEFORE CLASS. Your essay should have a new claim or thesis based on the work that was done in class! You should focus primarily on one character. Your Writing must allow me to understand. You must have at least several paragraphs.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

H. English Ten period 5

1. You will need to visit the Teacher Talk Blog and click on the link for Writing A Literary Analysis.  Reaad the Summary of the Short Story by Flannery O'Connor and also read the actual Analysis Essay.  Then list: What does a Summary do? What does the or an Analysis do?
2. Be prepared to write for most of the period. 

H. World Literature

1. We must finish our Literature Circle Novels before Spring Break. For those groups with longer novels--The Autobiography of Malcolm X; The Color Purple, Manchild in the Promiseland and Warriors Dont' Cry--you will need to read between 15-20 pages or so per night.  You will have BOTH an individual and a group assignment based on your literature circle novel.
2. COmplete rough draft of AT LEAST 2 stanzas modelled after "Heritage" by Countee Cullen.
3. Answer Garden: White People

H. English Ten period 5

Complete the brief Exit slip based on your understanding of Chapter 6, "Beasts of Air"/
Here is the link:

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

H. World Literature period 6

1. Tomorrow you will be assessed on an aspect or aspects of "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker.  Review the themes Heritage; American Dream; Identity; Education; Booker T versus W.E.B; Entitlement. Your quiz may differ by student.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Thursday, February 22, 2018

The Alternative to the Essay

An alternative to the Essay.  What creative alternatives can you think of that show that you still read your Independent reading novel, participated in lit circle discussions, understand how the Great Migration is reflected in your text, but is not only an essay? Complete the survey to propose an idea

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

H. World Literature period 6

Homework: 2 Author and You and 2 Right There Questions for the story, "Everyday Use" No cheating or consulting online sources.
2. Complete the correct role sheet from your literature circle novel.
3. Bring Everyday Use and YOur Packets.

H. English Ten period 5

Homework: 1. Complete your Bio-Poems/I Am Poems for the characters in Lord of The Flies.  Neatly hand write on unlined paper, or TYPE and Print from Printing stations.
2. Read the following article from The New York Times Magazine on Animal Cruelty: The Animal Cruelty Syndrome. You will need to re-read the article for an assignment later!
3. Complete a SOAPS + Academic Summary + 2 Right There and 2 On Author and You Questions based on the Article.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

H. World Literature Period 6

Read the entire Atlanta Exposition Address by Booker T. Washington that is hyperlinked on the previous post. After reading, select five (5) sentences/quotes from the speech that you agree with or make sense.  Then also, select one or two sentences that you may take issue with. Write on your blue index card and be prepared to discuss.
Lastly, please bring your photocopied packets as tomorrow we will finally get into our groups!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

H. World Literature period 6

Journal Topics for 2/14/18
What has influenced the relationship of African-Americans to the dominate class (Whites)?
What forces within minority communities influence its perception of itself?
Should minorities devote their time and energy toward their own preservation or contributing to the good of society?
Write about self determination. 
Write about entitlement.
Write about a rift or chasm that exists within your ethnic group or community.  How do you think it got there?

What conflicts in philosophy are illustrated in
Atlanta Exposition Address

Friday, February 9, 2018

H. English 10 period 5

1. Based on your re-reading and understanding of Chapters 3 and 4 from Lord of the Flies, select two meaningful or quotes or passages that moved you or stuck you in some way. Then complete the reading reaction records. You will need a total of 4 of them: 2 for chapter 3 and 2 for chapter 4.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

H. World Literature period 6 Living For The City By Stevie Wonder

1. Write either an academic summary or precis paragraph of at least five sentences in which you demonstrate understanding of the song, "Living For The City" by Stevie Wonder and the conflicts, ideas and themes present in the song. After you summary, you may also discuss how the song resonated with you.
2. Complete Your Literature Circle Role Sheet!

Thursday, February 1, 2018

H. English Ten period 5

Begin Reading Lord of The Flies Chapter 2: Fire on The Mountain.  Take turns reading as a class. You may also listen to the audio version as well.

H. World Literature period 6

Today, you will NOT GO right into your Literature Circle Groups. First, you will explore Carter G. Woodson he creator of Black History Month. Then, each student will explore three biographical resources about the author of their literature circle text, before writing a full page summary/biography of their author. In addition to summarizing biographical information, your response should answer the following: How have the experiences of my author been reflected in their work? In which ways is my author connected to the South or The Great Migration?  Your biography should be a page and a half. It may be typed.
All Students: Google pays homage to Carter G. Woodson the Father of Black History Month
Resources for The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man  James Weldon Johnson
1. Biography with Audio. James Weldon Johnson 
2. James Weldon Johnson
3. James Weldon Johnson Wikipedia
Resources for Alice Walker & The Color Purple
Interview with Alice Walker on The Color Purple
BookTV Alice Walker reads from The Color Purple 
Alice Walker Biography: Wikipedia
Resources for Melba Patillo Beals, Warriors Dont Cry and The Little Rock Nine
The Didn't Want Me There: Remembering the Terrors of School Integration
The 1957 Desegregation Case at Little Rock High School 
Little Rock Nine
Melba Patillo Beals Biography
Resources for Manchild and The Promiseland
Claude Brown Manchild in The Promiseland 
Obituary of Claude Brown
Claude Brown Wikipedia 
Resources for Zora Neale Hurston & Their Eyes Were Watching God
Official Site for Zora Neale Hurston 
Video Biography Zora Neale
Zora Neale Wikipedia
Resources for Lorraine Hansberry and A Raisin In The Sun
Film: Sighted Eyes, Feeling Heart
Resources for Malcolm X and The Autobiography of Malcolm X; Alex Haley
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
American Icons: The Autobiography of Malcolm X (audio)
This American Life, The Making and Re-Making of Malcolm X 

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Expert Group Selections

Objective: To Answer: Why did African-Americans leave the South? How has the history of African-Americans in the South impacted current race relations?
To further understand these issues, you will be selected groups of interest or placed in a group based on a particular focal period.  You will read, analyze material, find additinal historical information, artifacts and audio-visual resources and research and present to the class a presentation which highlights your findings. You will also write a mini research expository paper combining multiple sources that answers the essential question. Today we will begin selecting groups from the presentation portion of the project. Visit the Google Form Link here: Reconstruction to Renaissance and select no more than three choices based on your interest.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

H. World Literature Period 6

Objective: Why did Black leave the South in droves?
1.  Consider the short story, "On Being Crazy" by W.E.B DuBois. Please re-read it. Be prepared to discuss and write about it.
2. Continue reading in your Independent Reading Novel.
3. Read the Entire Packet Reconstruction to Renaissance by William L. Andrews. Be sure to underline main ideas, and show textual engagement.

Monday, January 29, 2018

H. World Literature Period 6

1. Carefully read and annotate the packet on Reconstruction to Renaissance. Underline and highlight information. Maybe put asterisks on subject matter that you never learned before or + by information that you learned. Be sure to read the entire packet/handout.
2.  Bring The Souls of Black Folk & The Fall of Rome if you have not already done.

H. English Ten period 5 Lord of the Flies Close Reading Questions

Homework: Use the Character Bio-Poem or I Am Poem under Class Readings and Important Handouts to write 3 Poems: One for Piggy; 1 for Ralph and 1 for any other character in the text other than Jack. 

Close Reading Questions (second part of Chapter 1 Lord of The Flies)
1. Why do you think the author includes the details that some of the children were naked (or partially naked)? What might this reveal or predict?
2.  Why is it significant to have a set of twin boys on the island?
3. Describe Jack. How is he physically different from the boys around him?
4. What does Jack say that distinguishes him from the other boys?
5. Briefly, compare and contrast Ralph and Jack in physical appearance.  Contrast Jack's reaction to the the reality that there were no grownups on the island.
6. Why do you think the boys elect Ralph and not Jack as "chief"?
7. What does the word "chief" connote? Why do you think the author chooses that word and not leader, boos, head, director?
8.  Why do you think, deep down, that Ralph makes Jack the 'unofficial VP' of the island, so to speak? What does Ralph allow Jack to do/control?
9. How does Jack respond/interact with Piggy? Why does this foreshadow or predict?
10.  How do you feel toward Ralph? Piggy? At the end of the chapter/ page 25.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

H. World Literature period 6

1. You are challenged to demonstrate understanding of the who, what, when, where and why of The Great Migration using images; drawings, adjectives, words, cut-outs, items with texture in a multimedia Open Mind. 
Carefully imagine what migration looks like.  Then, use your tools--your own artistic creativity; images and silhouettes from the internet; your own drawings, words, phrases, symbols of the south, the north, the east, symbols of opportunity; symbols of hope; symbols of backwardness and ignorance.   Brainstorm and plan your words, images, phrases, pictures, what you can and can't draw based on your own abilities. Then, look at your Open Mind and decide where you what certain words, symbols and ideas. 
Your Open Mind must be 70% generated by you. You must use a variety of color, markers, pencils. Be Creative.  You do not have to use a mind--it could be a railroad car, or a car. Be creative!
Due Monday--weekend extension!
2.  Revise for specific language your I Am Poem or Bio-Poem to demonstrate better grasp of The Great Migration! Then TYPE and PRINT for tomorrow!
3. Read your literature circle novel and then complete your role sheet. Be ready to discuss during the last 18 minutes of class!

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

H. English Ten B period 6

And...the better leader is? Which character thus far in the novel The Lord of The Flies is the better leader? Use specific evidence from the texts of the characters actions; ideas; thoughts that support your answer. Be sure to read up to page 23 for information from the text.
2. Also, write the vocabulary down from our quizlet

Honors World Literature Period 6

1. As stated in Monday's class, we would use the information obtained and our understanding of The Great Migration to write an "I AM" Poem from the point of view of a Black Migrant during the Great Migration or a group of African-American Migrants leaving the South during the Great Migration.  Follow the Format on either page 1 (Character Bio-poem) OR I Am Poem to create your poem. Use details, data feelings and facts if you can. Your poem should demonstrate evidence of reading our article, and viewing the links on the Great Migration. Link is found here: Character Bio-Poem/I AM Poem
2. Continue reading your novel a bit. You wont meet in Literature Circles until Thursday, but read especially for those students whose novel is more than 300 pages. Use post-it notes to jot down quotes or ideas.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

H. English Ten Join Quizlet

Honors English Ten period 5
Please click the following link to join the Quizlet Class for Honors English Ten period 5.
Click to join class and study Lord of the Flies Vocab. Chapter 1

Thursday, January 18, 2018

H. English Ten period 5

1. Read the Article, "How Old is Enough" found by clicking the link to the New York Times:
2. Write a two paragraph summary in which you show engagement with the article.  At what age is a person really adult? Demonstrate that you read the text by quoting at least two of the experts cited.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The Great Migration

In order to prepare and understand the play "A Raisin in The Sun", we will explore several short and long videos and readings on The Great Migration. Watch/listen to at least 3 videos--one of which should be longer in length (30-40 minutes) take notes, and then complete the reflective journal. I have hyperlinked sites to Wikipedia about the Great Migration as well as about the play itself.  In your Reflective Journal, you should demonstrate mastery of the Who? What? When"Why? Where? How Many? How Come? Lasting Impact of The Great Migration.
1. Fresh Air Interview with Isabel Wilkerson
2. Long Lasting Impact of the Great Migration
3. History Channel: Great Migration Videos
4. C-Span Video: The Great Migration 29 minutes long
5. The Great Migration-Stanford Lecture--be sure to watch

Friday, January 12, 2018

H. English Ten period 5

1. Read 45-60 pages of your novel, and complete 4 full page Say/Mean/Matter/Dialectical Journals for your Independent Reading Novel.
2. Complete a SOAPS for the essay, "The Future of Luxury" by Hans Magnus Enzenberger

H. World Literature Period 6

Prompt #1. Choose a Poem from the book Ketchup, and write a response connecting the poem to some aspect of your life (how does the poem relate to some aspect of your life)?

Prompt#2 If you could dedicate one of the poems from the book Ketchup to someone in the world, what poem would you dedicate? To Whom? Why?

Prompt #3 Choose a chapter from the book and write a poem or draw something that relates to the chapter or poem. Then write about why you choose that chapter or poem?