Thursday, December 17, 2020

Senior Fail/Incomplete Notification and Edgenuity Booster Enrollment Information

Next: Edgenuity Booster Course Enrollment (through Schoology). Read the instructions on how to enroll found here: 
Edgenuity Booster Course Modules
The 12th Grade Booster Course is: LL Language Arts- ELA3012CR
You are responsible for enrolling yourself in the course, and completing the booster modules.  Zoom times will be available for you to meet with Local District South Teachers. 

The Edgenuity BOOSTER is NOT the same as the Winter Break Reading Optional Assignment. All students are encouraged to complete the Winter Break Reading but it is OPTIONAL. 

Monday, December 7, 2020

H. Expository Composition period 5 and 6 Reading Part 4: Awkward Black Girl

 Click here for link to the reading:

Please read and complete an additional two literature circle role sheets. Please review for a Quiz on Wednesday/Thursday of THIS WEEK! 

Monday, November 30, 2020

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Asynchronous Assignment for Expository Composition period 4,5,6--Academic Verbs and SOAPS Analysis

As I continue to review assignments, many students fail to use academic verbs in their SOAPS Analysis. Some may fail to identify THREE subjects of the text and then ensure those are articulated in the purpose section.  Today, you will 1. Open the folder Exemplars and Reading Rubrics. Once open, click Verbs for Literary Analysis (Academic Verbs). Select 20 verbs, handwrite them with a brief definition that DOES NOT repeat the word.  For example for ANALYZE, DO NOT WRITE, to analyze means to analyze a text.  you must handwrite the verbs and definition so that they are codified in your brain.  Upload Your List with Definitions.  While you are in the folder, you may also Click the SOAPS Exemplar to see what your SOAPS should look more like. 

2.  Since everyone should have read The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl up to page 10, you will complete a SOAPS Analysis on the Introduction/Chapter 1. Your SOAPS Analysis MUST among other things, state three subjects or big ideas from the reading.  When you arrive at the purpose section, you must connect a subject with AN ACADEMIC VERB from the list.  YOU MUST HAVE THREE PURPOSES using different academic verbs.  Upload your typed or handwritten SOAPS by 4pm.  

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Period 4, 5, 6 The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl

 Click Here for the link to the introduction of out text, The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl. You will need to download it as a pdf and then click rotate view in order to read.  We will read the Introduction together before delving into the rest of Chunk 1. 

Period 6: You will complete, after reading the Introduction and Chapter 1, the literature Circle Role Sheet for Discussion Director (you do not need to answer the question just create 5; and the Literary Luminary--you do need to include a reason for choosing).  

Period 5: You have read pages 1-10 but have not done the Literature Circle Discussion Director or Literary Luminary Sheets. Please Complete 1 Discussion Direction Sheet for pages 1-10 and Literary Luminary. 

Please also read pages 12-29 in the text and complete the Connector Sheet (must be completely filled out-- you may list multiple connection and the Discussion Director Sheet). 

Friday, October 2, 2020

H Expository Comp. period 5

 Dear Students--the lesson for today is simple-- simply select ANOTHER essay from either the DESCRIPTION or NARRATION section of Patterns For College Writing. Complete a SOAPS Analysis and an academic summary. That's it! Be ready to share and discuss on Monday! I hope everyone is well and thank you for all of the messages of concern! 

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Expository Composition period 4

 1. Create a listing of Writing Territories based on my model or simply listing specific events or topics in YOUR LIFE. Aim for thirty. Give titles-- it makes you more committed to the ideas you present. 

2.  Read Chapter 6 the opening section on Narrative in our text: Patterns For College Writing. 

3. Read an essay from Chapter 6 Patterns for College Writing and complete a SOAPS Analysis and Summary OR read your own text from NY Times Commentary or Op-Ed; Sports Illustrated Commentary or Op-Ed; Time; The Huffington Post Communities, The Root; or a podcast of YOUR Choice.  

H/ Expos Comp Period 6

 1. Read Chapter 7 on Description in Patterns for College Writing. Then write at least a paragraph using description with: 1.  Your Morning or Nightly routine. 2. Your Bedroom 3. A Favorite Food or Place.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Honors Expository Composition period 6

 Today in class, we were to discuss the differences in descriptive technique after reading the Okefenokee Swamp Passage taken from the AP English Language Test. Today on your own, you will complete a WRITE-LIKE.  you will select the person, place, event or object and write about it mirroring the syntax of passage 2 in the Okefenokee Swamp passage.  You will need to read the passage to yourself several times and at least once out loud to begin to hear the rhythm of the passage and how sentences build off each other.  You may want to annotate the imagery and descriptive details not just of sight but also persona, size and number.   All of this is done and 7 sentences.  You will want your write like to begin with two adjectives and not introduce the subject of your description until the end of the first sentence. I will attempt to provide a template for you. Please work on this for period 6 and upload a draft no later than 2:30 pm today! 

Friday, May 29, 2020

Friday Freewrite--All Classes

1. As always, you may respond to a journal topic from previous weeks or you may write about whatever you would like. 

2.  As we near the end of a school term, write a letter to an underclassmen. In your letter, you may want to discuss the highs and lows of high school life, and habits to form in order to be successful. 

3. Read about Ahmad Arbery, George Floyd or Breonna Taylor--and write a eulogy in the form of a poem or haiku. 

4. Write about your summer plans.  What do you intend to do academically,  for relaxation and enjoyment, and for personal growth? 

Monday, May 18, 2020

Flip Grid Book Talks

Good Morning Students in All Classes! The Independent Reading Flipbooktalk windows have been extended for the Final Time.  If you never read the instructions, wrote a brief script and submitted your flipgrid video, the window has been extended for the last time to this Thursday at 12 noon. Get your videos in by that time! Window will lock then and will not be extended. This is for Period 1, 2, 4 and 5. Period 6, you did not have a Flip Grid Assignment. 

Friday, May 15, 2020

Expository Composition period 5 and H World Lit period 6

No Friday Freewrite Today! If you would simply like to write in your journal because it is therapeutic, feel free to do so.  No uploads needed. you may post a journal on your blog if desired.  Please be sure to catch up on late work if the window is still open allowing you to do so! Enjoy your weekend 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

On-Line Working Session Honors World Literature

In honor of AP Exams, today class will be totally online, but conferenceless. That means the Schoology conference that was planned is cancelled. I will be online in Schoology grading. If you have not uploaded assignments like the character biopoems, please upload them during this time.  Class will resume via Schoology conference next week. I do know that there is an AP Exam scheduled for next week. Those not taking exams are urged to join class. As the semester winds down, please be proud of all of your accomplishments, and mindful that there is a little more to go. 

Friday, May 8, 2020

Friday Freewrite All Classes: Honoring Mom

1. Feel free to write a full page journal response to a topic from last week or the week before. 
Mother's Day is this Sunday. Although you may not be able to buy your Mother a gift, or a motherly figure, pick one of the following:
1. Brainstorm FIRST, then write a letter or poem of gratitude to your mother.  Begin with an anecdote or funny story or a quote that Mom used to say.  Write a rough draft, or scratch out some ideas.  Then, for your final draft, write the letter using ink pen, on white unlined paper (if you have access, or another type of unlined paper).  Seal the letter or poem.  Address to your Mother, or motherly figure and then take a screenshot.  Upload to Schoolgy. Give to Mom or Grandmom or the Mother in your life.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Class Expectations and Senior Grades

Good Morning Seniors! I wanted to touch bases with those students who have not been logging in and have been repeatedly missing class during the Schoology Conference time (if you have attended multiple class sessions and you check in with me and a peer, this IS NOT FOR YOU! You keep up the amazing work!). This message is for those students, who for whatever reason, log in to Schoology and submit work for other classes (I see you), and then want to be given extensions, and help and a pass from me. It. Will. Not. Happen. I have held schoology conferences every week since we have been on quarantine. I have sent messages to students in Schoology, Remind, Flipgrid, and Google Voice! I have helped, re-opened windows, given extensions, and POINTS FOR ATTENDANCE for just being present during the class. I will not bend over any more than I have already done for those of you who regularly submit work for your other teachers, and have not even tried to work for your English class. I get it: maybe you don't value the work, maybe you dont like me, maybe it is not engaging.  All of those are valid reasons! So then, you must accept my valid reason, when I tell you No-- you may wind up with a COVID D or COVID C on your Final Report Card.  Please do not ask me to allow you to make up work. There are several assignments DAILY in Schoology where I have purposely LEFT THE WINDOW OPEN and you can still Submit.  You have to exert some energy to see what assignments those are.  The reality is that many students have been able TO RAISE THEIR GRADE, and they are happy knowing that they will finish with A's and B's because of time, investment, and simply showing me that they care.  If you dont care about our class, why would......It is a lesson that is important for you to learn, as many colleges and universities will employ distance learning for your first or second semester. Imagine having to to work from a computer when you have NEVER bonded with the professor? That is what many of you will face in the Fall. Had many of you given the bare minimum and found a little bit of internal motivation you would be there. I get it. In times like this--we look to fun, and engaging.  But we must also learn to look to dedication, hard work and seriously--just showing up!  The reality is that the semester is almost over! Go through Schoology, and find what you can. Directions are usually in the assignments and on the blog. Check with peers, who are willing to help. In many cases the work is easy! Like, some of you missed the Friday Freewrites......ummmmmm When you can get some assignments done (honor policy in effect), then we can chat. I will not accept any late work or remade work after May 25th for Seniors.  Sincerely, 

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

H World Literature Homework

! Read or carefully re-read Chapters 1-6 of The Kite Runner! We cant do anything fun, like lit circles, or discussion, or presentations without first reading.  Shout out to Nwamaka and Shanille for suggesting the audiobook version that is here:
After reading, visit the link under Class Readings and Handouts and complete 1 Character Bio-Poem for each of the following characters: Amir; Baba; Hassan, Ali. 
3. If you did not finish your blog--finish and send me the url address. 
4. If you did not finish your Reflection on Exploring Afghanistan, the window is still open.  Or the Reflection in the Google Slide Deck from today. 
Be well and be sure to have up to chapter 7 read by next Wednesday. 

Friday, May 1, 2020

Friday Freewrite all classes

Happy Friday, and Happy May Day!  Select any topic from last week or the week before for your Friday Freewrite! Or you may want to write a reflection about yourself and who you have become while on quarantine.  Upload your page of writing or more to schoology OR post your response on your blog! 25 points for posting your response on your blog by 6 pm.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Kite Runner Honors World Literature period 6

Organic Blog Reaction to reading the Kite Runner. Chapters 1-5 (or more).  Then use your blog to post your reactions to the chapters.  Remark on the following:
Your feelings about Amir/his character traits.
Your feelings about Amir's relationship with and to Hassan, and its complexity.
Or respond to fathers and sons.
OR self-esteem. or all of the above.  Write a Haiku to describe Amir. Or Hassan. Or Baba. Or Rahim Khan. Or each of them.
Your thoughts about: social class and status.  Have you ever been condescending even if slightly because of your perception of their social status? Have you ever felt the sting of being dismissed because someone racially stereotyped you, or assigned characteristics to you because of your social status?
Or aspects of emerging conflict.  Get into the novel. Post questions that you have that you would like to discuss. Take this time to read and immerse yourself in a novel and get some reading and responding done without strict parameters. Afterall, you are young adults.  Dedicate time to reading, and time, thought and energy to posting on your blog, and promise, you will earn the points that your reading and thinking and questions merit. Honor policy in full effect, so be sure to submit honest work. After all, it is your blog!  Due Friday by 9:00 pm. Text/Remind if you need an extension. Suggested word count 1200 (300 words per chapter ish)? Or maybe more words on the longer chapter?

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Expository Composition period 5 Independent Worktime April 28th

Self Directed Class! Today you do not need to login to Schoology for a conference, and today's independent work session will give you the chance to use our school time to catch up on work that you needed to do, or work that I mentioned, but never posted.  The first assignment is the following:
1. Flip Grid Book Talk about Autobiography/Memoir that you read.  First, you will need to join our Flipgrid class.  The link TO JOIN the class is here:
2. Once you have joined the class, here is the link for the assignment:
3. Be sure to READ THE INSTRUCTIONS. You can not just "wing" a Flipgrid assignment. You need to write out a "script" including the information the assignment asks for.  The script can be bullet points of what you want to say, to help you stay organized .Yes, I will grade you on the following: Creativity; Eye Contact; Speaking Level; Choice of passage/s from the text read; demonstration of engagement and reading with understanding; identification of themes and lessons in the narrative; and powerful use of time. Your book talk needs to be between 7-10 minutes.  Do not hide your face! Do not READ the script, try to be natural! It will help you know what you want to say! 
4. Your Flipgrid book talk is due by 3:00 pm tomorrow.  Why? Because you've had all this time to read the text
5.  Weekly Article of the Week & SOAPS Analysis.  Please select a text from Patterns For College Writing for Your Article either the 12th or 14th Edition.  This assignment is due by 9:00 pm this evening!

Friday, April 24, 2020

Friday Freewrite

As always:
1. you may type or handwrite your journal responses2. You must write at least a page. 3. Feel free to select more than one prompt!  You may ALWAYS select a topic from last week or the previous week that you enjoyed and did not respond to OR YOUR OWN topic.  Other topics: During this COVID-19 Pandemic, we've all noticed that their are people and things that we take for granted, and there are things that we've realized we really don't need.  Write about an object/thing that you've realized that you really don't need, or need as much of as you think.  Topic 2:During the COVID 19 Pandemic, we also have hopefully learned something new about ourselves,  interests, abilities or skillsets.  Write about an interest or skillset that you have but perhaps did not realize it because of the distractions associated with our pre-COVID 19 lives.   
Topic 3: Has the current pandemic and economic fallout shifted your focus or post secondary plans? Have you considered changing a major; double majoring, or changing a career focus? Discuss.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Expository Composition period 5

Complete the Your Life At A Glance Assignment Template. List at least 10 events that shaped the world locally, and globally on the timeline.
2. Finish reading "My First Conk" by Malcolm X in our text Patterns For College Reading (the Blue one, 12th Edition). Complete your SOAPS and Summary based on your reading this text.
3. Complete your own blog and email me your url address
4. Write a script for your reading of your own memoir.  Be ready to record a Flipgrid Book Talk about the Personal Narrative/Autobiography you read!

H World Lit. Exploring Afghanistan

Honors World Literature Period 6 revised 04/22/20
Our novel is The Kite Runner. We will begin reading together in conference next week on April 29th.  By Tuesday at 2 pm, please upload a reflective journal based on your exploration of any three  of the following 
1. Biography of Khaled Hosseini
AND ANY TWO  of the following sites/curriculum guides to learn more about the history of Afghanistan:
A Curriculum Guide:
2. This Guide presents maps and information regarding the rise of the taliban and human rights violations.
3. Information on Malala: The Girl Who Was Shot for Going to School.
4. Pashtun and Hazara People (Ethnic Groups in the novel) Found at National Geographic.  
5. The Wars in Afghanistan The Wars in Afghanistan
6. US announces surprise talks with the Taliban
7. Afghanistan's Next War.  this is a current (March 2020) article about the impact of the Covid 19 on the people of Afghanistan and their neighbor, Iran from the New York Times.
8. If you would like to watch a video here is one: The Strategic Importance of the United States in Afghanistan
Please do not visit the Google Sites yet because we have not started reading yet.  Please also bookmark the pdf listed under Classroom Readings and Handouts.
(Google Tour: The Kite Runner)
After visiting at least two sites, complete the Reflective Journal on either this blog or Teacher Talk.
(Complete--write out answers to questions from Chapter 1-5 questions from study guide here: Penguin Readers Guide to The Kite Runner don't do this yet)

Friday, April 17, 2020

Friday Freewrite Topics

Friday Freewrite Topics: Please select any one of the following and respond. You may write your journal and then take a picture or you may type it.  It should be AT LEAST a page but can be longer than a page! (of course you can always write about what you want):
 Friday Freewrite prompts:
  • Describe the perfect date.
  • What is courage? What is the most courageous thing you have done?
  • Describe a hero. It can be either someone you know or simply qualities of a hero.
  • What is your favorite activity? Who do you do it with? Why do you think you enjoy it?
  • Write about a good book you’ve read recently.
  • The best and worst parts of quarantine are…
  • What will you do differently when you’re a parent? Why?
  • Do you spend too much time with electronic devices? Why/why not?
  • What do you think should have or should NOT have been invented and why? 
  • List one major world problem and how you think we should solve it.
  • Do you think that there is or ever was life on another planet?
  • What is the most important issue facing teens your age today? 
  • Were you ever given a responsibility that you couldn’t handle? 
  • Describe the best concert you ever attended.
  •  Write about a time you tried to help and ended up making things worse.
  • Did you ever break an important promise?
  • Write about moving to another city or neighborhood or house.
  • Did you ever meet a famous person? Interact with them on social media?
  • Describe a car or bicycle accident you were in.
  • If you could spend a day spent in another country, which would you choose? Why?
  • Describe a time that you out-smarted someone.
  • Write about going shopping for new clothes.
  • Did you ever turn someone in or tell on someone and feel bad about it later?
  • Was there a time your parents embarrassed you?
  • Can you remember a time you gave someone good advice? What was it?

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

How Long Should Our Essays Be, Ms. G?

According to the State Standards, and the LAUSD Instructional Guide, all juniors and seniors should be writing essays in a variety of settings.  We should be able to write compositions that when revised are at least 1500 words.  Click the link and scroll to page 203 to see for yourself!

Friday, March 27, 2020

Friday Freewrite Topics All Classes

Friday Freewrite Topics:
1. Any topic you have not written in the past, you may respond to.
2.  Freewrite: Write about whatever you want, in the format you want, as long as it is a page.
3. What did you do this week that is out of the ordinary? Write about something fun you did (did you make a Tik-Tok video; play a game with a sibling or parent)? What did you do this week that was fun?
4.  Write a thank you letter to a parent, teacher, Boys and Girls staff member who you really took for granted or perhaps miss or appreciate more.  Your thank you letter should be at least three paragraphs and have a salutation, (Dear...............,) following be the body of your letter and a closing.    You DO NOT have to email the letter unless you would like to provided that it is grammar and spell checked!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tech Issues

Dear Students--if you have tech issues with your Chromebooks, we will be meeting on King Drew's campus this Friday, from 9 am-11 am.  If you need to speak with me, roll thru!

SOAPS Example

If you still are wondering how to strengthen your SOAPS, here is one from Ogechi on our last class-wide article.  Ogechi SOAPS . If you missed yesterday's conference, please know that I will NO LONGER ALLOW SOAPS and SUMMARY Resubmits as of March 13th.   I have provided examples, the rubric, and a lesson on "Whats Wrong with the Following SOAPS" in which you turned and talked about the problems of vague language and pronouns.
Lastly, I did not post anything today.   All teachers must log in for a faculty meeting today at 3.  After that meeting, I will begin to grade non-digital (paper) assignments that I was backlogged on.   I do hope all are well.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Introduction to Ms. Guy's Digital English

Good Morning Students!
Please be ready to participate in a distance learning chat/webinar, Monday March 23rd during your class period (we are following the Friday Schedule each day).
In the chat or webinar (I may not feel like using Zoom), I will share digital learning tips and expectations for projects, writing assignments and warm-ups; reading assignments and demonstration of reading; parental and classroom collaboration and grading for my English classes.  Check the King Drew Bell Schedule for Friday for your assigned chat hour.  The chat or Webinar is MANDATORY.  I will upload the link by Monday Morning at 12 am. 

Friday, March 20, 2020

Expository Composition p.5 and Honors World Literature p.6

For now seniors, you owe me two Articles of the Week: one is your choice, the other I chose for you: The World Is Not Ready for The Next Pandemic (I have this Time Magazine in our classroom).  Read your articles or hear your podcast and read your article. Do your SOAPS + Academic Summary period 5 and Rhetorical Precis (period 6) on BOTH.
2. Friday Freewrite. Prompts are here and have been sent to you via Remind.  Be well!

Friday, March 13, 2020

Expository Composition Period 5

1. During the two weeks of distance learning, we will cover the entire narrative unit in both editions of Patterns For College Writing.  We will read the readings/articles in the section Narration. Additionally, each of you will read one other article of the week for a total or two articles of the week per week. Additionally you will read 1/2 of your autobiography/memoir next week, and the other half of it the following week.  I am trying to decide on what type of journal or reading reaction log to post.
2. I will assign "write like" activities in which you mimic the writing style of your author.
3. I will also assign assignments on the craft of narration including: specificity and details; using dialogue; description; revising vague language for specific details.
4. Assignments will be due in Schoology at the assigned time. If they are not posted within a few hours of the deadline, the window will be locked and the assignment will not be accepted.
I do know I may have you use tech tools to demonstrate your reading and to engage with one another. I plan on using Padlet; Chatsy; Answergarden; Flipgrid and possibly others.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Narrative Terms to Define

Please look up and write out definitions for the following: (authentic) voice; sensory details; details--give three different examples; imagery; narrative techniques; syntax; figurative langauge.
1. Click to link our text Story Matters Introduction

Monday, March 9, 2020

Expository Composition period 5

Objectives: To articulate why we tell stories. To articulate what makes stories effective and impactful. To evaluate stories, and learn the writing moves that make stories/narratives impactful: Use of imagery; anecdote; tone; understanding of audience; dialogue; repetitive tropes: repetition; rhyme; rhythm; audience engagement; imagery; figurative language.
1.  Classwork: Read "I've Known Gun Violence" and use the Mentor Text Tool to analyze in addition to SOAPS

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Honors World Literature period 6

1. Be sure to complete a Precis for the text "Playing Favorites" By Jeffrey Klugger. It must have all the sections as on the sample I gave you--including your three questions.  I will review the precis, but it still must be done! Also be sure to finish reading Genesis 37

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Expository Composition period 5

1. Continue all of the presentations--first we will finish the Definition group. Then Kassandra's group; lastly Narration, as well as the Kahoots and assessments for the other groups!
2. Second, please read today's article of the week:
3. Author Biography 

Monday, February 24, 2020

H. World Literature period 6

Exodus 32 1. Your The White Man's Burden poems SHOULD be on my desk.  If not on my desk, they are in the back on the side wall where it says "Incoming" in the Black Wire Mesh Trays. If you can't find the poems, or your poem, here it is: The White Mans Burden  .
Your Task: Finish the question, "What is The White Man's Burden?" in EACH Stanza. You may work with a partner.
2. Without using anything other than the poem and your brain, and a partner, complete a SOAPS AND a Rhetorical Precis (not just the paragraph--but the entire precis--the summary, the literary/rhetorical devices like rhyme or metaphor used in the poem; the 3 questions--1 Clarification; 1Application; 1 Style). This is submitted to Mrs. Hutch.
3. Start writing YOUR OWN version of The White Man's Burden (The Black Man's Burden, The Latina's Burden; The KD Students Burden; The Oldest Sibling's Burden) 

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

H. World Literature Period 6 Song Presentations

Be sure to create your "Sang Sampled" Presentation. Be creative and have fun. Be sure to embed your song, plus its sample, information about the song, and the sampled song. For example, who is the original artist? When was the song produced? Under what social circumstances? What marks did the song make--i.e. did it certify gold or platinum? How many downloads..... Include biographical information about the current artist and the artist/s the song sampled. Enjoy,

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Agenda for Friday, February 7th H World Literature

Please click on link to see your agendas. Period 6, you will be re-reading Twice Tricked and answering questions about plot and themes.  The story begins in Genesis Chapter 25 verse 19-34 and continues to chapter 26 verse 34, and finally most of chapter 27 verses 1-46.  You made read from the New International Version to make comprehension easier.  Here is the link to the questions that I forgot to upload yesterday! Twice Tricked Comprehension Questions. 

Thursday, January 30, 2020

H. World Literature period 6

1. Study the character archetypes!
2. Finish reading the story Twice Tricked, Genesis 25; 27 the story of Jacob, Rebekkah, Esau and Isaac.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Literary Analysis of Biblical Texts

Literary Analysis of Biblical Texts
"Girl In Doorway"
Poem of The Week
Finish Presentations
Watch Character Archetype Video
Read Genesis Chapter 3 and Genesis Chapter 14 Twice Tricked

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Expository Composition period 5

1. Be sure to click the link and join the Remind Class. I use Remind to send you important clarifications and reminders.
2. Complete your Individual Student Choice Article of The Week SOAPS Analysis and Academic Summary (see the back of your SOAPS Sheet).

Monday, January 27, 2020

Honors World Literature Period 6

1. Reviewing the Standards for World Literature by reviewing the LAUSD Standards Based Instructional Guide.  Click link and then scroll to pages 193/203 (pdf) for World Literature Instructional Guide
2. Find your own non-fiction article or commentary and complete a regular SOAPS. Remember, we will read our poem of the week on our Block Day or on Thursday or Friday.
3.  Upload your draft of your own poem modeled after "Girl in Doorway" by Doriane Laux (Homework window closes for this assignment tonight at 10 pm)

Friday, January 24, 2020

Creative Writing: Modeling Girl in Doorway by Doriane Laux

Write a completed draft or two of the poem, "Girl in Doorway" Think about you and your upcoming transitions-- changing relationships, college decisions, high school to finish, new people to catch hold of, friends to let loose of.......what symbols in your life represent transitions, change, shifts, confidence, marvel and wonder, distance, acceptance, maturation? Think and write and write well. Be ready to share your draft in class on Monday.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Expository Composition period 5

Today's Agenda calls for you to explore our online textbook Patterns For College Reading. You find it by scrolling to the left under classroom handouts.  You are to take a "deep dive" and explore our textbook. Carefully read all of the directions on the handout Deep Dive.  You may download the handout and then make a copy and then type your answers directly on it and upload it into Schoology. It is due by the end of the period electronically!
If you finish, then read our first article of the week Hidden Intellectualisms by Gerald Graff. It is under

Agenda for H. World Literature period 6

The following must be uploaded into Schoology or may be submitted by paper to the guest teacher, Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Wilson has the copies of the Precis format.
All of the following assignments are due. Those students who attended the field trip will work together. Those who were present yesterday will sit on the other side of the class and work. Students present yesterday have their own assignments and will not consult or assist those from yesterday, beyond explaining the agenda!
1. Re-read Girl in Doorway.  Then, study the model precis format that you took a picture of.  Create a rhetorical precis for the poem, Girl in Doorway. Include your summary, vocabulary, tone words (two) plus three rhetorical or literary terms and an example of each from the poem. Then, create three questions: 1 Style, 1 Clarification of meaning, 1 Application.
2. Be sure to submit the homework from over the King Weekend.
3. Read your own Article of the Week and Complete a SOAPS + Summary (no precis needed) Precis only for poem.
4. Submit SOAPS, Precis, SOAPS + Academic Summary for your Article of the Week from Huffington Post, or online source.
Quiz tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Friday, January 17, 2020

Reviewing Character Archetypes

In class over the past two days we reviewed the definition of allusion, and learned that archetypes are literary patterns that readers of literature understand and recognize. The top three sources of these allusions are the Bible, Mythology and Shakespeare.  We also identified archetypal symbols and character archetypes.  Find an original (from your own outside reading or assigned reading in high school) an example of each of the following character types in literature: 1.An underdog  2. An outcast  3. A Vampire . 4. A seductress 5. A Hero Who Goes on A Quest . 6. A Christ Figure. For each, write a brief explanation 2-3 sentences in which you identify how the character satisfies that archetype.
2. Select a song that samples another song or is a cover of a song. Download and bring in both songs.  Be ready to share and analyze in class on Wednesday.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

H. World Literature period 6

Read (re-read) Genesis Chapter 4 on Cain and Abel.
Article of The Bible as Literature 
Finish SOAPS on Cain and Abel. Create one Author and You and one On My Own Question about Genesis 4. Finally, re-read the hyperlinked article on The Bible As Literature.