Thursday, September 29, 2016

H.Expository Composition period 5

1. Take the first 10-15 of class to finish your Thinking in Colors Group Response. Be sure to return any markers.
2. After you have completed your Thinking in Colors poster, you will complete a SOAPS on Chapter 1 of The Souls of Black Folk. He SOAPs is individual work. Please work quietly and submit before 2pm to my email address.

AP English Literature Period 1

Good Morning! please find your lesson attached! There is no reading ahead, we will continue reading the play with the Fourth Episode tomorrow in class. Today, you will work to completely answer the Oedipus at Colonus Close Reading Questions . If you finish them early, you may continue working on your essay.  Those students who did not get feedback on their essay will have the chance tomorrow after we read the Fourth Episode in class. Please be on your best behavior, and be sure to leave the room clean, and bring a charged Chromebook.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

H. English Ten Period 3

1. Independent Reading Journals are due tomorrow! Remember, 4 are due weekly.
2. Select any 8 of the vocabulary words assigned, and write sentences, preferably using information that you were able to understand from the story Greenleaf.
3. "Greenleaf" Close Reading Questions: 1. How can you tell that Mrs. May is unsatisfied with Mr. Greenleaf?  But why doesnt she fire him and find new help? 2. How can you tell that Mr. Greenleaf feels that Mrs. May isn't well taken care of? What does he tell her that her sons should do? What might be symbolic in Mrs. May dream, as the story begins, of the bull chewing up everything but the Greenleafs?

Monday, September 26, 2016

AP English Literature Period 1 9/28/16

Write a brief reflection on your experience either providing feedback or receiving feedback on your 1972 essay. How did it feel to speak about a paper and not necessarily refer to its author? How did it feel to not be able to discuss the work until after suggestions were made?
2. Continue to revise and add elements/specific evidence to your 1972 essay. 
3. Read Oedipus at Colonus . Please bring the red Oedipus at Colonus tomorrow. The questions that should have been homework will be classwork, as I may be absent tomorrow!

AP English Literature Period 1 9/27/16

Write a brief reflection on your experience either providing feedback or receiving feedback on your 1972 essay. How did it feel to speak about a paper and not necessarily refer to its author? How did it feel to not be able to discuss the work until after suggestions were made? 
2. Continue to revise and add elements/specific evidence to your 1972 essay. 
3. Read Oedipus at Colonus . Questions will be posted by 9/8/16 in the morning. 

H. Expository Composition Period 5

View the short Video Tips for Writing An effective Admission Essay. Take notes on the tips outlined as well as those presented in class today and throughout the week for similarities. 2. Select one of the 8 Freshman Personal Insight Questions from the UC Admissions page. Write or finish the draft you started in class. Remember, at the end, please identify one direct quote, one event or detail and five emotions that are related to the topic you chose.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

H. Expository Composition Period 5

1. Carefully re-read Chapter 1 of The Souls of Black Folk. Pay particular attention to the pages read in class on Tuesday, page 9 up to page 15. Then as directed, copy the following sentences and re-write it for your own culture/race/gender/social class:
A. One ever feels his two-ness,--an American, a Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings; two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder.
 Once you have, copied the sentence inserting the adjective of your choosing, reflect and write about a time when you felt out of place, or you felt at war because you are African and American; or Black and Hispanic; or Mexican and American; or Female and Black American; or two other groups that are sometimes at odds. How does being these two "things" make you feel? In what ways can you relate to W.E.B. Dubois? Please support your response with evidence from the text. Suggested length: 1 page.

H. English Ten Period 3 September 26, 2016

If you haven't finished and submitted your SOAPS electronically, please do so. Email to LGUY@LAUSD.NET

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

AP English Literature Period 1

By now, you should have completed the Essay Planning Guide--NOT YOUR ESSAY!. The guide you have your thesis statement, and your introduction.  Then, in chronological order, the points that you will make to support your thesis should be presented, step by step. You should have an outline of an essay (the guide) but not your essay done! Please bring to class completed.
2. Carefully read pages 111-129 in Oedipus at Colonus. Then answer the following study question: For what reason is Theseus sympathetic to Oedipus? ( is Theseus like Oedipus?)
There will probably be a reading quiz on Oedipus at Colonus. Beware.

AP English Literature Period 1

1. Complete the Literary Analysis Planning Essay Outline/Guide. Please remember that King Drew has purchased . Please resist temptation to lift sentences or ideas about your essay from any source, whether online or otherwise.
2. Continue Reading Oedipus at Colonus 115-135.  I will post questions later on this evening.

Monday, September 19, 2016

H. Expository Composition Period 5

1. Please visit the following link, which asks you about your college admissions essay needs:
College Admission Survey
2. Finish your SOAPS for this weeks Article of the Week!
3. Study Vocabulary and bring The Souls of Black Folk to class tomorrow!

AP English Literature Period 1

1. Read, highlight and annotate the FULL Article: "I know Why the Caged Bird Cannot Read".  If I were to quiz you on the reading, you would obviously need to know the SOAPS.  Complete the SOAPS Sheet under the Class Readings and Handouts Links.
2. Identify the knowledge domains of each of the questions for today's multiple choice practice.  Remember to be specific: Comprehension: Main Idea; Characterization; Purpose; Tone
Vocabulary; Literary Technique/Device; Grammar/Syntax;
3. Lastly, review your thesis statements and notes and materials for the 1972 Throwback Essay Prompt.  Read and familiarize yourself with the following outline structure: Essay Planning Guide. If you have access to a printer; print a copy for yourself!

Friday, September 16, 2016

H. English Ten period 3

Complete the two questions that you wrote down regarding The Cold Equations
1. Complete the line graph in which you consider the development of Marilyn's character in The Cold Equations. Plot at least four to five adjectives that describe how her character moves/develops/progresses. For each adjective, provide textual support.
2. Discuss the impact Marilyn and her situation have on the EDS Pilot.
3. Continue reading your Independent Reading Novel, so that journal responses are not rushed.

AP English Literature period 1

Happy Weekend! Please visit all three of the following links to review thesis construction for literary essays. Please also review your notes taken on the powerpoint from today regarding the Thesis Statement:
1. How to Write A Thesis For An Analytical Essay (prezi)
2. Summary Versus Analysis
3. Literary Analysis Thesis
Take notes on each tool above. Be prepared for a short quiz or assessment in which you synthesize information on each of the sources as well as what you learned in class on Friday regarding thesis statements.
2. Visit the following survey monkey link and take the short survey regarding the UC Personal Statement.
3. Select ten more character traits, preferably ones that you do not know or frequently use, and provide a short definition and a sentence.
4. Construct and send me your thesis statement if you haven't already done so by Saturday at 6pm. Please type it directly in my email address.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

AP English Literature period 1

Here is the link to the entire Close Reading Assignment in preparation for your essay. Close Reading Tool for 1972 Essay Prompt Be sure to complete all the questions for tomorrow.

H. Expository Composition Classwork period 5

Comparing a Poem and The opening of The Souls of Black Folk
Today, after discussion, we will read the poem, We Wear The Mask by Paul Lawrence Dunbar.  As we read answer the following:
1.How can a mask be like a veil? How is a mask different from a veil? Which has a more negative connotation? Why?
2. What masks do you wear throughout the day?
3. What masks do you think members of minority communities often wear? Why? What might happen if they took off this mask?
4. Connect Dunabr's concept of a mask with Dubois concept of a veil.  How are they similar and different.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

AP English Literature Period 1

Begin Oedipus At Colonus--the text is hyperlinked as a PDF. Re-read what was read in class. Continue reading from page 87-115. Remember to Click on Oedipus at Colonus. The document is near the bottom under the Classroom Links and Important Handouts section. 
Answer the following based on your reading:  1. In what ways has Oedipus begun to shed his character as a frazzled, lead, "carcass of a man"? Consider/Analyze his lengthy statements made to the Chorus  and his daughters and even the Gods on pages 101-102; 106-107; and lastly on page 111. (Your response should be a full page)
2. What claim does Oedipus make in self-defense of his action?
3. What complaint does Oedipus levy against his sons?
4. What warning/entreaty does he offer the Gods? How is Oedipus, again acting Kingly.  What does this predict about the plot?
5. What do we learn from Oedipus' other daughter Ismene? What news does she bring? Why does she search for Oedipus and Antigone anyway?
6. How might their different experiences shaped the characters of Ismene and Antigone?

2. Select a chunk of ten (10) unknown or rarely used words from the Character Trait Handout given you in class. Define the words u sing short definitions and/or synonyms. Write these in your notebook or on a sheet of paper that can be easily shown to me for completion, but quickly returned to you.

H. Expository Composition period 5

Re-read The Forethought (page 3) of The Souls of Black Folk and Chapter 1 up to page 9.
Introduction--The Forethought: 1. Who is the audience that Dubois' directs the forethought? 2. What according to Dubois' is the problem of the Twentieth Century? 3. Do you feel that this problem is still prevalent (around) today?  4. According to Dubois, what is his purpose of the text?  5. How does Dubois structure his book?
Chapter 1: To whom is W.E.B. Dubois' referring when he says "the other world"? Who is the "other world"?  6. What is the question that Dubois' is asked? When did Dubois learn he was a "problem"? How did he learn that he was different from his classmates?
Personal Reaction: While Re-reading, underline three statements that resonate with you. Be prepared to discuss.

Monday, September 12, 2016

H. English Ten period 3

1. Complete your SOAPS of the Article, "Why Bad Things Happen to Good People". Please also create two level two questions and two level three questions.
2. Also, think about a film or song that you like and know well and that a partner in class may have experience with (seen it film; know the song). If needed, listen to the song, or download the lyrics to use with our Testing the Validity of Interpretations activity tomorrow.
3. Keep reading your Independent Reading Novel. Your journals are due Wednesday.

H. Expository Composition

Wonderful sharing of annotations. I appreciated the active engagement of the class!
1. Complete your SOAPS, and instead of an academic summary, please create two right there questions; two author and you questions and two on your own questions!

AP English Literature P.1

If you did not finish the letter to a friend, please do so.  Watching the video is not necessary. Get plenty of rest and bring Throwback text to class as well as How to Read Literature Like A Professor

AP English Lit Close Reading Questions for Opening Scene/Chapter 1 essay

Friday, September 9, 2016

H. Expository Composition period 5 The Souls of Black Folk

How does it feel to be viewed as a problem? 

Today, in class we will begin The Souls of Black Folk. We will need our devices to investigate the United States during the time Dubois lived and wrote.  We will investigate Dubois' life. 
We will also learn more about the time in which he lived. We will explore multi-media and online resources to create a timeline of his life and the events that influenced his writing, including the Souls of Black Folk 
First, we will explore Jim Crow and (Jim Crow 2) the reality of life faced by many blacks born in the aftermath of the Emancipation Proclamation    
We will also read copy of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments. 
Procedure: You will work alone, taking notes on the various artifacts that you discover while on your journey. 

AP English Literature Period 1

1. Using the Literary Terms Sheet, categorize the remaining list into categories that you yourself (no cheating) created. Remember, we already have a category for metaphor, simile, analogy, personification, allusion (the comparisons category.
2. By Tuesday, write a letter to a friend, family member, homeboy or homegirl about any topic or subject you like.  Use language appropriate to your audience (you may use slang; spanglish).
3. Continue reading in your Throwback Novel. Create three journal entries by Thursday. 
4. Review the notes regarding multiple choice domains and the types of questions assessed by AP Multiple Choice Questions
3. By Tuesday, watch the video Critical Friends Collaborating to Revise and Edit 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Honors English Ten period 5

1.Complete your SOAPS based on your Article of the Week that you read.

AP English Literature period 1

1. Read and annotate page 1 and 2 of the Literature and Multiple Choice Questions article.
2. Complete three dialectical journals based on your reading on your Throwback novel or play.  DO NOT SIMPLY RESPOND using "This reminds me of....." but rather, "What does your selected quote reveal about the character......"

Friday, September 2, 2016

AP English Literature Period 1

1. Using your AP Practice Exam (54 questions) and your notes, review the Knowledge Domains that each question asks.  On a separate sheet of paper, write the knowledge domain that the question asks.  For example, if a question asks, "What kind of poem is the example", you would write: Literary Term/Technique for that question. You need to know a literary term or technique in order to get the answer correct. You will have 54 items on your sheet.
2. Carefully continue reading and annotating Chapter 1 of your Throwback Thursday novel or play.
3. Watch Ted Talk:Metaphorically Speaking . After or while viewing write out an in an index card a response: This TED Talk helped solidify........ for me? I learned..... (then write out uses bullet points or short phrases 4 or 5 new ideas, or ideas/lessons that were refreshed and reinforced.
4. Complete the Identifying Metaphors Handout.  I have decided: I want you to draw Venn Diagrams and include three similarities in the middle of each Venn Diagram for any four of the questions.