Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Expository Composition Period 5

1. Homework-- I will check you at the door! Complete your full rough draft of your Autobiography Chapter 1 (I was born in....) If you need to ask parents for information, do so and incorporate it into your draft. You may type your draft. A link has been created in Schoology for you to upload by 10 am on Thursday .

The many faces of You

Journal Response: It is often said that we are not one person, but many persons to many people. Write about the many people you are to the various people in your life.  What diverse roles do you occupy formally or informally? Write/list your different groups you belong to. They can be based on race, gender, school, teams, interests. What are some of the expectations of these roles?

Monday, April 29, 2019

H. World Literature period 6

Journal Response:
1. Why do you think the magistrate tries to proselytize Meursault? Why do you think many people have a difficult time accepting atheists?
2.  In the Myth of Sisyphus, according to Camus, Sisyphus chooses to roll the rock up the hill only to have it roll back again.  What choices, does Meursault make, though they may not seem like it? Go back through the novel and identify 7-9 choices that Meursault makes.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

AP English Literature

1. Be sure to have completed all pages of the Study Questions on King Lear that were given to you on Friday.
2. On Monday, we will continue with Part 2 of the Multiple Choice Questions on Lear and begin writing Character Analysis Essays.
3. On Tuesday we will review your own novels that you read from 11th, 10th, and 9th grade. Specifically, if you read The Scarlet Letter; The Great Gatsby; Fahrenheit 451; A Raisin in The Sun; The Hate You Give; Kindred; etc, please bring these novels to class on Tuesday.
4. Continue to review your lines.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

King Lear

1. Translate Edgar's last lines of the play. Why are they the most important is some ways? What themes do they include.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Expository Composition Period 2

Your Literature Circle Presentations  (on a flash drive) are due no later than THURSDAY, April 25th!

H. World Literature period 6

1. Welcome Back and Journal Collection from Literature Circle Text
2. Field Trip Slips Anyone
3.  The Myth of Sisyphus.  Does Meursault's life in anyway reflect the myth? Why and how or why not? Questions: After reading The Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus students complete the follwing 4 questions: 
1. Why do you think Camus thinks Sisyphus is "happy"? 
2. In what ways could call/consider Sisyphus superior to the Gods? 
3. How is Sisyphus heroic? List 4 adjectives to describe him? 
4. Explain the heroism in the everyday act of individuals. 
4. Article of the Week: Student Choice.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

AP English Literature Period 1

1. Read and memorize your King Lear line selection. Don't cram but practice daily by READING YOUR LINES OUT LOUD IN THE MIRROR.  OR USING FLIPGRID. I WILL MAKE A LINK LATER THIS EVENING.
2. Take the AP English Literature Exam I gave you.  For each question, write out what knowledge domain is being assessed.
3. Complete a TPCASSTT for the Passage and the Poem included in the Multiple Choice Test.
4.  Locate 2-3 texts that you have read from grades 9-11 that you would like to review.  Begin re-reading or locating old dialectical journals from these novels or plays. Start reviewing them now!

Expository Composition period 2

Your rough draft of name essays are due no later than 4 pm today! Final drafts, after receiving feedback are due no later than Friday!

H. World Literature Period 6

During your Spring Break, you are expected to finish reading your Literature Circle Novel. Additionally, you are expected to complete dialectical journal while reading. All students must have a total of 25 journal entries including a quote from the novel, the page, and your full page/page and a half response.  What this means for students reading some texts--you will have to go back and browse sections/passages that you have already read in order to complete your journals.  Do not copy quotes, responses or journals from online sites. At this point,  the 15 week grades are almost here and you do not want to risk anything. 

Thursday, April 11, 2019

The Stranger Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions
Select any two of the following and discuss:
1. In the text, Meursault states in a matter of fact way, "that people don't change their lives." In many ways this seems inaccurate, but in many ways it is true.  Think back to Mr. Washington in The Fall of Rome. Think to Amir in The Kite Runner. Change is one of the most hardest things to do. Why? Discuss why people rarely change.
2. In The Stranger, Marie asks Meursault if he loves her, and he says no. Clearly he is not affectionate as she would like him to be, yet she hangs around.  Why do people hang around or settle when they are not totally happy or fulfilled? Discuss the idea of settling. Is it ever okay to settle?
3. We don't really like Meursault, in part because he seems so upfront and direct and says things that he is thinking, but perhaps should not be said out loud.  Why do we often have a problem with those who say what they are thinking? Is this always a negative trait, or are words, according to the Ibo, meant to be "eaten with palm oil"?

Monday, April 8, 2019

Teaching King Lear

I will place you in groups of 5 and you will teach an Entire Act of King Lear

Friday, April 5, 2019

H. World Literature Period 6

Finish Reading Chapter 4 of The Stranger. Then answer and upload the questions

Expository Composition

My name Essay Rough Drafts due Tuesday.
Read the following essay from Sandra Cisneros on her name.  Although your essay will be longer, notice her attention to style; how she uses the personal pronoun "I".

AP English Literature

Carefully, read your King Lear text, reading ALL of Act III. use pencils, post-its, anything to help you understand.  Obviously, pay attention and re-read long passages of text spoken by Lear, the Fool or Poor Tom.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

H. World Literature Period 6

Complete a SOAPS Analysis AND A Summary with 2 Author and You; and 2 On MY Own Questions for Neat Versus Sloppy People.
2. Complete your reading for your literature circle chunk.
3. Complete your literature circle role sheet, and then be sure to print/bring it.
4. Finally, The Stranger Comprehension and Discussion Questions:
1. Where do Meursault and Marie go on Saturday?
2. What does Marie do when Meursault tells her about old Salamano and his dog?
3. How does Meursault feel about policemen?
4. How does Raymond greet the policeman who comes to his door?
5. Why is Raymond shaking when he talks to the policeman?
6. Do you think the policeman were more upset with Raymond's disregard for their authority or his treatment of his ex-girlfriend? Discuss. 
7. Why do you think Meursault, "goes along with" or does not object to writing a letter or being a witness for Raymond? Does Meursault seem to have a problem? If yes, what do you think it is?