Wednesday, November 30, 2016

AP English Literature period 1

1. Be sure to finish your outline for your 2009 Prose prompt for The Street by Ann Petry. Many students will be attending the Choir Concert.  If we are not able to attend, we will review assignments for final exams. Your outline must have a thesis statement, and then a topic sentence for each of the paragraphs (at least 6) with evidence from the passage that supports your topic sentence. You may consult the following sites for help:  or 
Those students attending the choir concert must still submit an outline. 

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Thanksgiving Assignments for AP English Literature

1.       1. If you received a “See Me” or a low score on a process essay, you may want to re-write it. This includes the creative wring tasks for The Fall of Rome: Contrasting your Favorite with Least Favorite Teacher; Chapter 1 from Rashid’s point of View; Discovering that You and a peer are from different social classes although you are members of the same race or ethnicity.  
2   2. Read the essay, “A Dozen Demons” by Ellis Cose. It is scanned and uploaded. For each demon, identity a character who experiences that demon in The Fall of Rome. Also, identify a time you have experienced any 6 of the 12 demons. Carefully read and annotate the essay. Then connect the essay to the characters in The Fall of Rome.
3    3. Complete your Major Data Worksheet for The Fall of Rome.
      4.  Prepare to write essays in class for the following AP Prompts: Foil Character; Minor Character;
5   5. Read Antigone in the red book: The Oedipus Plays of Sophocles. If you do not have a copy it is scanned on the blog.  
6. Complete the Multiple Choice AP English Literature Exam.  Be sure to annotate each poetry passage or poem of your exam. Try to give yourself one hour to complete it. Please try to do this in one sitting

Thursday, November 17, 2016

AP English Literature Period 1

PLease fully complete the AP English Literature Discussion Generator Sheet. Please also bring The Fall of Rome, and snacks. Lastly, please be on time!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

H. Expository Composition Period 5

Tomorrow, we will have our first reading quiz on King Lear, Act I, scenes 1 and 2.

AP English Literature Period 1

1. Obviously, you should now have completed The Fall of Rome. The purpose of you reading a segment was to inspire and motivate your to read for understanding of the plot. You should have been making notes in your book, and using post-it notes to record important events, and also your Major Data Worksheet.
2. Tomorrow you will either discuss aspects of the novel, or write an essay. Please be ready. Please also bring the Oedipus text.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

H. Expository period 5

1. Re-read Act I, scene II between Edmund and Gloucester.  Finish your soliloquy. Then summarize/answer the following: Why is Edmond upset? At whom or what? Why is the comparison between a sutom and a plague an appropriate metaphor? Where have we seen this before?
2. What other familial or social customs "suck"? Identify five of them.
3. Summarize letter to Gloucester. 4. What scheme does Emond devise?

Monday, November 14, 2016

AP English Literature

1. Finish your thesis generator assignment.
2.  Be sure to finish The Fall of Rome. Quiz #2 on Characterization and The Fall of Rome tomorrow as well as essay #1
3. One page response: Is The Fall of Rome more about race or class? Discuss your opinion with evidence.
4. Create 5 thematic questions or issues for class discussion tomorrow.

Why You Mad Bro?

Saturday, November 12, 2016

AP English Literature period 1

1. As a reminder and discussed in class on Thursday, be sure to finish reading the novel, The Fall of Rome. Prepare for a quiz in the novel, and on the notes regarding Point of View and Narration.
2. Create two additional character bio-poems on two more minor characters.
3. Be prepared to write essays on the following prompts: 2008 Character Foil essay.  Minor Character Essay. Also be prepared to write an essay on the Ann Petry, The Street prompt. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

AP English Literature The Fall of Rome Close Reading Questions

After your individual work learning about the history of voting and Civil rights in this country, you will work with your seat partner to read and discuss the close reading questions. You will also:
Answer them on your own paper. Record new insights about minor characters on your Major Data Worksheet in the Characters sections and/or Quotes section.
Close Reading Questions/Role of Minor Characters
1   1. What role does Ted Fox play in the novel? Why is he an important “minor” character? Discuss.
2   2. What role does Derrick Harper plat in the novel? What counter argument does he articulate, ever so briefly? If you do not know, perform a quick google search of Howard University.  What is its significance?
3  3.  Chapter 8 and Rashid’s visit to Gerald’s house is supposed to provide contrast to what chapter? How? Explain the significance of the dinner scene at Gerald’s. 
4  4.  Explain the irony in Mr. Washington coaching Rashid in running.
5  5.  Explain the significance of the race, and Rashid’s win with Mr. Washington.
6  6. Explain Caitlin’s significance.                                                                                                                 Homework: Using details from the text, your venn diagrams, you will create four poems 2 IAM Peoms; and 2 Biopoems. 1 poem for each character.  For this assignment, you will include two major characters and two minor characters. 

H. English Ten Period 3 second assignment

After completing your Election Assignment and submitting the Voting Rights Reflective Journal to our guest teacher, Ms. Moore-White, you will continue to read Scene 5 and the ending of Antigone.
Readers: Creon (Tyler); Antigone (Samantha); Messenger: Camryn; Choragos: Jessica; Eurydice: Delilah.  Begin on pg 802. Skip pg 803. Then, read the Exodus up to page 808. Then answer the following:  1. Why does Creon change his mind and decide to bury Polyneices and free Antigone?
2. In what order does the Choragos tell Creon to do these things? 3. In what order does Creon actually do them? Why does Creon's way not make sense? 4. What happens to Antigone? Haimon? Eurydice?
5. Longer response: Who do you think is the tragic hero?

AP Lit; English Ten per. 2; H English Ten Period 3; H. Expository Composition

"People were threatened, folks were put in jail because we wanted people to try to register to vote." Unita Blackwell
Today is a historic day, consequently, all classes will research the fight for enfranchisement for all.
Directions: Select one video from each group: African American; Latino; and Women. Watch/Listen. While Watching and Listening, record what you learned about Civil Rights and the Right to Vote. In addition, you must define each of the following terms:  Freedom Summer; SNCC; Fannie Lou Hamer; East Los Angeles Walkouts; How many more millions of Latinos are able to vote than in the last Presidential Election?  What was a literacy test in Mississippi? How were the women who participated in picketing for the right to vote punished?
Select from the following: Mississippi: Is This America? which details the right to vote in Mississippi and the Freedom Summer.   Freedom Riders: Freedom Riders (best video)
2. No Easy Walk
3. The Legacy of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee Link:
4. A Brief History of the Woman's Right to Vote The Womans Right to Vote Short clip
5. African-American Women March for Suffrage Link:
6. Latinos and the Voting Rights Act and Voting Rights Extension
7. Teaching Tolerance: Latino Civil Rights Timeline
8. Latinos are voting back at Trump Latinos Voting Back At Trump
9. East Los Angeles Student Walkouts East LA Walkouts
You will complete the questions and a Reflective Journal. Then, you will resume your reading of The Fall of Rome (period 1) and Antigone (period 3)

Monday, November 7, 2016

AP English Literature Period 1

1. Remember, that you should have read up to page 160 in The Fall of Rome.  Tomorrow, in class, we will explore the role of minor characters. We will also add to our Major Data Worksheets and Create Character Bio-Poems.
2. Please bring charged Chromebooks and novels!

Friday, November 4, 2016

H. Expository Composition: Analysis of Scene King Lear 1

A pun is a play on words.  in Act I, scene 1 Gloucester and Kent play on the words, "breeding"; "charge", "conceive".  Explain the pun or play on words. 2. Why is a map an ironically fitting symbol for what happens in the rest of scene 1 with King Lear and his daughters? 3. Why does Lear want to divide his kingdom in public view? Quote the text directly, then put in your own words. 4. Why does Lear banish Cordelia-- from public embarrassment? From lack of understanding? 5. Why does Kent tell him to "see better Lear"? This statement predicts what theme will be the basis of Scene 1?  Finally, with a partner complete a SOAPS for Scene 1.

Analyzing Scene 3

1. What is your first impression of Haimon? How does your view of him change as the scene progresses?
2. Summarize Creon's speech. What major point does Creon try to make with Haimon? How is it rebutted in Haimon's speech to his father?  Whose speech is best and why?  Explain the metaphor Haimon includes in his speech.
3. How do Creon's attitudes toward women seem to influence his decision?
4. Creon does suffer a loss somewhat in this scene.  Why do you think he decides not to kill Antigone but to take her to a vault instead?

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

AP English Literature period 1

1. Tomorrow: Be sure you have read Chapters 7-9.
2. Be sure you have taken some sort of notes on the two characters you would like to write about. You may want to discuss and take notes on their similarities and differences, ar how as a unit, the foils work to highlight aspect of the "more" major character.
3. Be sure you have taken notes on the three student essays.  Your notes should clearly discuss or evaluate thesis statements, validity of interpretation, quality of evidence, and claim.
4. You should have a draft of a thesis statement or paragraph for the 2008 Free Response Question on Character Foils.
5. Character Bio-Poem formats will be distributed in class tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

H. English Ten Period 3

1. Complete your character wheels! Remember you need two of them, so use the back to recreate the character wheel, or visit the AP Lit post to find the link.

AP English Literature Period 1

1. What involves making a strong, valid, plausible interpretation? If you need to, look up the words plausible and valid.
2. Visit the following link        and take notes on the three essays on the 2008 prompt regarding a foil character.

H. English Ten Period 3

Please click this link to join Quizlet : H. English Ten Quizlet