Tuesday, October 23, 2018

H. Expository Composition Periods 2 and 6

H. Composition period 2: Begin visualizing, planning and creating your Identity Puzzles.  Must include: Color; Creativity; the quote by Henry Louis Gates, Jr.; and at least 20 splinters or subsets of your race/ethnicity.
2. Those students who were giving blood or working for leadership: Be sure to complete your Self Awareness Circles Exercise, and the one page reflection that accompanies it.

Period 6: Here are your The Fall of Rome Questions:
2. Why do you think the teacher, Mr. Washington prefers the term "Nego" even though he knows it is outdated?
5. What does Mr. Washington mean when he says, " it is up to us to make best of opportunities what we will."
8. Describe Kofi's family after the shooting.
9. How does Rashid read, or predict that Mr. Washington held him unfavorably?
10. Contrast Gerald and Rashid.

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