Wednesday, March 2, 2016

H. World Lit. period 6

....that she may feel How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child. (Lear, Act 1.iv)
Gratitude.. Write a letter.. a serious letter to a parent, grand-parent, foster-parent; caretaker, teacher, ancestor, historical role model or other individual to whom you might have appeared thankless, cavalier, or simply ungrateful (or you simply wanted to express gratitude to someone you've never had the opportunity). Take time to identify a specific moment, action, or utterance that you might have overlooked that is worthy of thanks. Then, compose a letter addressed to that person in which you thank them for a specific deed or series of deeds. The best letters will be heartfelt; use specific details and examples, or an anecdote, and be at least a page (fron) or more. You may also play around with several brief notes (to five individuals) maybe in a series of haiku poems. Be ready to share tomorrow!
2. Journals are due!3. Turn in Magazines and SOAPS if you didnt today after the presentation.

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