Wednesday, March 30, 2016

AP English Literature Period 4

1. Begin drawing/construction of your Dialectical Journal Cover.
2. Write a reflection in which you address your performance on the Spring Break Multiple Choice Practice Exam. How many questions did you correctly answer? Which questions posed the most difficulty for you? Why do you think so? Which were the easiest?
3. Bring your novel and play to class.

H. World Literature Period 6

1. Continue to memorize your lines!!!
2. Please bring your King Lear Texts tomorrow! We will discuss the events of Act III, scene VII.  If you were absent please ask a friend or study buddy to provide the questions for you as they are not posted.
3. Read- Act III, scene IV.
4. If you did not submit your study questions to the guest teacher, please bring them tomorrow for submission.

H. English Ten P.5

1. Continue Reading and Memorizing your lines!!!!!! Think about your costume and where you can buy, or make things like crowns (if you need them).
2. Read the first three pages of our article of the week, Its Time to Pay College Athletes then complete part of your SOAPS Sheet. Then read the remaining parts of the article on Wednesday.
3.  Lastly, please bring your literature circle novel-- you have a presentation that I must hold you accountable for! You will have some time to work on it on Thursday.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

AP English Litertature Period 4

The posted assignment on the blog was just a re-cap of the assignment already given. So tomorrow, you will turn in one SOAPS, one TPCASST, your annotations on the prompt, your multiple choice practice with categories, thesis statement can be on the actual prompt, and sentences. :)
2. Bring the book by the female author tomorrow.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

AP English Literature Period 4

Spring Break Assignments--
1. Be sure to order your copy of your next ltierature circle novel that is either written by a female, or has a female protagonist; or deals with a woman's experience.  The agreed upon novel's are: Kindred by Octavia Butler; The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood; Caucasia by Danzy Senna; Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston; and lastly, Through the Butterflies (?) by Julia Alvarez. Have these novels in hand on when we arrive from Spring break. In fact, since there is no school on Monday, March 28th, you will need to read the first 30 pages before Wednesday, March 30th.
2. Complete your AP Practice Multiple Choice Test that was distributed in class on Tuesday. Be sure to categorize your questions on a different sheet of paper for easy grading.
3. For each prompt: 2 poetry and 2 prose, carefully read and identify 12 devices or techniques for each text. 
4. Use the verbs for literary analysis (vocabulary) and for each passage, select ten verbs applicable to that passage. Write ten (10) sentences per passage (you will have 40 total sentences).
5. Construct a thesis statement for each prompt.
Remember: please do not consult any electronic source for assistance in identifying literary techniques or writing. Such is a violation of academic integrity!
No reading of King Lear needed for Spring Break.

Friday, March 18, 2016

H. World Literature Period 6

Spring Break Assignments
1. Read and memorize your lines! Think about your costume choices! The best way to memorize lines is to read them several times, and to write them into your memory. The best way to perform them is to hear them. So you may use your phone to record yourself saying your lines so that you can hear yourself. Also, be sure to practice standing up.
2. For every Act of King Lear, beginning with Act I, scenes iii (you already did this for scene ii), select a song that corresponds to the events OR character development. Type up a paragraph which includes the song title, the artist, and the specific lyric and why it specifically corresponds with the events of THAT SCENE. You should have scenes and short explanations for Act I scene 4,5; Act II scenes 1-5; Act III scenes 1-5. Do not share your song choices with other students; not your justifications.
Lastly, please be ready to use both the adjectives and categories of lies to write Character Analysis essay when we return!
Please have a safe, restful Spring Break!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

H. English Ten PEriod 5

Memorize your lines.  Gather to work on your Independent Reading novel/text presentations using technology. Presentations are due on Tuesday, March 29th.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

H. World Literature Period 6

Attention: Your three typed creative responses (Nikki Rosa modelling; Letter to Parent and Letter to Therapist are not all due). Many students found their assignments and began to type them-- however some assignments were mixed in or even submitted with journals which I am just inputting. Kevin, Chioma, and Jennifer...I found your letters of gratitude or to a character.... Please get them tomorrow.
2. Please upload EITHER the song that you felt fit Act I, scene II or select another song that you feel corresponds to the plot of Act II scene 1, 2, 3, or 4 (or 5); or Act III, scene 1, or 2.  Please upload the song or a snippet to your phone. Tomorrow we will hear a few songs and why you thought their message corresponded to the theme or message or conflict or character development in King Lear. 
3. Please re-read Ken't "diss" of Oswald. We will begin modelling that text with our own ideas.
4 Tomorrow, we will share our adjectives, lies we thought characters committed, read our lines once out loud, and continue to press forward in Lear. 
5. Don't forget to bring your lit. circle text. You will have ten minutes to work on presentation. Presentations are due March 29th. 

Monday, March 14, 2016

H. English Ten p.5

1. Carefully read, "The Ways We Lie" and annotate. Then complete a SOAPS sheet. By now, you can use your own know the sections.
2. Complete the character analysis adjective timelines if you are not finished.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

H. World literature p6

1.Read Lear Act III, scenes 1-3.
2. Type 2 of 3 returned assisgments: palace therapist, poem, or letter of gratitude. Be sure to print.
Be prepared for inclass writing this week as well as a King Lear quiz.

AP English Lit. P. 4

Happy Saturday! Reflect on the feedback given you on your scored essay, and look up your score with rubrics provided or on the Ms. Effie site. Do you agree with the feedback given you? Why or why not?
2. Read the rest of the Writing about Literature packet passed out a week ago. What strategies are given to improve writing about literature? Create a list of seven strategies.
3. Constuct a new thesis statement based on your understanding. If you didntreeive your essay back, just do #2 and 4.
4. For each of the character is King Lear that follow, list ten adjectives that describe or characterize them  you amy want the first two or three adjectives to reflect the characters in the beginning of the play and then progress. Lear; Goneril, Reagan, Edmund, Gloucester

Thursday, March 10, 2016

H. World Lit. period 6

I apologize for passing back your letters near the end of the period, which caused some frustration. I just wanted you all to have time to type them.  From now on you all know that FINAL DRAFTS OF ESSAYS, POEMS, CREATIVE WRITING is TYPED! So, if you look on Engrade and see a Zero on your letter to your parent, or your modeled poem, it is because you didn't type it.  As far as the Quiz, in which you wrote a letter from the point of view of the Castle Therapist, that letter must be revised in which you use elevated diction (Shakesperean language).
2. Those of you who were here...begin looking over lines for King Lear. We will begin line selection tomorrow. Have a first, second and third choice ready.
3. Be sure to write a one page journal response: Why do people lie? And what types of lies and roles do they play in King Lear? Your response must be on a regular sheet of paper (not your King Lear Journal); and you must include at least 10 vocabulary words from your vocabulary segment.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

H. English Ten P. 5

Please review King Lear, although no official homework. Also-- no Journals due tomorrow!!! Yay!!!!!!
You will take part 2 of the Computer Based Performance Tasks, so be sure to bring your charged Chromebook .

H. World Literature Period 6

1. Read Act III, scenes 1-2. Read Act III scenes 1-2. Read Act III scenes 1-2.
2. Finish your group assignment regarding "The Ways We Lie" and King Lear.
3. Look on this blog or the other blog and download the SOAPS Sheet. Complete a SOAPS Sheet for the Stephanie Ericsson Article, "The Ways We Lie" and an academic summary that you post to your blog.
4. Three journals are due tomorrow on your selected text.
4. Bring your non-fiction text to class for discussion of presentations.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

H. World Lit. Period 6

Carefully re-read all of Act 2. It is relatively short, so please make annotation in the text if your purchased your own. Please answer the following study questions:
1. How does Edgar escape death? 2. What does he state that he will do to himself to avoid detection? How will he be "in plain sight" but out of view? 3. By the end of Act II Lear has how many attendants and with whom does Lear live? 4. Why does Kent not like Oswald? List as many reasons/meanings and applications that Kent tells Oswald, " A Tailor Made Thee"

AP English Literature Period 4

1. Finish your draft of your King Lear Creative Assignment (modeled after one of three speech acts from Edmund).
2. Carefully re-read all of Act 2. It is relatively short, so please make annotation in the text if your purchased your own. Please answer the following study questions:
1. How does Edgar escape death? 2. What does he state that he will do to himself to avoid detection? How will he be "in plain sight" but out of view? 3. By the end of Act II Lear has how many attendants and with whom does Lear live? 4. Why does Kent not like Oswald? List as many reasons/meanings and applications that Kent tells Oswald, " A Tailor Made Thee"

Monday, March 7, 2016

H. English Ten period 5

Please respond to the following questions: 1. What does it mean to learn? 2. What are some ways that you learn something for school?  Finally, what are the best ways to learn new ideas?
Write your responses in sentences or bulleted form.
Re-read Act II, scenes 2-5.

Friday, March 4, 2016

H. English 10 & H. World Literature

1. Read All of Act II of King Lear. Study Questions will be posted by Sunday at 10 am.

AP Lit P.4

1. Construct one sentence with each of the verbs for literary analysis. Exceptional sentences will incorporate ideas from the DH Lawrence Prose Passage.
2. Construct a draft of one of three passages that you will model from Edmund (either his soliloquy to nature; the letter; or this is the excellent foppery of the world).
3. Create literary term flash cards.  Next week focus: Lear and lit terms: Tone; Point of View; Character Analysis.
4. Read Lear all of Act 2. Study q's will be posted by Saturday 10 am

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

H. English 10

1. Complete your modelling of "This is the Excellent Foppery..." or other speech act from Edmund.
2. Please respond to the following study questions: 1. What political upheaval reaches the castle of Gloucester? 2. Why does Edmund injure himself and draw blood? 3. How does Gloucester react when he learns about Edgar's alleged intentions to attach and murder him? What does he say? How does the conversation between Gloucester and Edmund, following Edgar's escape, signal a reversal of the relationship that Edgar and Edmund have with their father? How does Gloucester's expression, "my old heart is crack'd, is crack'd" illustrate the paralleled between Gloucester and Lear when it comes to old age and their relationships with their children?

AP English Lit. period 4

1. Complete a Rhetorical Precis based on D.H. Lawrence's opening of his 1915 text, The Rainbow, discussed in class. EB sure to identify five literary techniques or devices, with examples, and create three questions: 1 application; 1 style; 1clarification.
2. Bring King Lear
3. Begin making Flash Cards of Literary Techniques and devices. You may want to start with the Sound Devices from your Ipod graphic organizer. On Monday, we will begin with a daily quiz on a device!

H. World Lit. period 6

....that she may feel How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child. (Lear, Act 1.iv)
Gratitude.. Write a letter.. a serious letter to a parent, grand-parent, foster-parent; caretaker, teacher, ancestor, historical role model or other individual to whom you might have appeared thankless, cavalier, or simply ungrateful (or you simply wanted to express gratitude to someone you've never had the opportunity). Take time to identify a specific moment, action, or utterance that you might have overlooked that is worthy of thanks. Then, compose a letter addressed to that person in which you thank them for a specific deed or series of deeds. The best letters will be heartfelt; use specific details and examples, or an anecdote, and be at least a page (fron) or more. You may also play around with several brief notes (to five individuals) maybe in a series of haiku poems. Be ready to share tomorrow!
2. Journals are due!3. Turn in Magazines and SOAPS if you didnt today after the presentation.