Monday, November 22, 2021

Thanksgiving Break Journal Topics-- All Classes are welcome periods 6, 5, 4

Select any ONE of the following Journal Topics and write in your journal.  If you left your journal at home, write on a sheet of paper and then place in your journal upon return to school: 

1. If you could create a Thanksgiving Dinner Party list that allowed you up to ten guests, and those guests could be a combination of family-- even those who passed away--friends, as well as public figures, entertainers, educators, politicians, leaders, artists or otherwise people whom you admire, who would you invite? Create a list of 10 invitees and then share the rationale for inviting them. Be clear, precise, specific and thoughtful. The assignment should take more than ten minutes as your response to each invitee should specifically highlight something they have done and traits or skills you admire in that person.  

2. Select an article and read and complete your weekly SOAPS Analysis. You should choose a commentary on an important issue, or a podcast, or even an article from the online text Patterns For College Writing.  This is a paper assignment. It is due on Monday, November 29th at the beginning of the period.  

3. Period 5-- You have your Identity Puzzle Assignment. The sharing settings for the exemplars have now been changed. Exemplars are just that-- bring your own ideas, creativity to the assignment. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Expos Comp period 4 and 6

 Today, we will have a silent work period for a portion of the class. During the first 40 minutes of the class, you will have the opportunity to work on your College Applications. Following, we will apply A Dozen Demons to The Fall of Rome, and do some reading. Enjoy this time.  If you have already applied to your schools, you may SILENTLY work or read. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Exemplars: Identity Puzzle

 "But as we've seen black America isn't just as fissured as white America; it is more so.  And the mounting interracial disparities mean that the realities of race no longer affect all blacks in the same way."  Henry Louis Gates Jr.  

What are the fissures in your ethnic/racial/or other group to which you belong? An identity puzzle is an acknowledgement that our identities are often compressed of competing mirco-groups that can be a source of complexity and also a cause for celebration.  Construct an identity puzzle in which you clearly identify the pushes and pulls, distinctions, and factions that make up your racial, gender, or other group. You must use color, words and clear identification of the various groups.  Here are two entirely different exemplars. 

Exemplar #1. and Exemplar #2. The sky is truly the limit.  Think about and plan your identity puzzle. 

Due: Tuesday November 30, 2021 upon return from break. 

Exemplar #1 Link: 

Exemplar #2 Link

Friday, November 12, 2021

Friday, November 11, 2021 Character Analysis Exemplar Essays

 After writing in your journal, you may--complete the SOAPS Analysis for last week on an article or podcast if you didn't complete it and submit by paper.  Read two or three character analysis exemplar essays, or read The Fall of Rome. Lastly, period 5/6 you can complete the A Dozen Demons activity posted in Schoology.  Link to exemplar essays: Exemplar #1. Exemplar #2 and Exemplar #3