1. Be sure you have read and responded to the essay, The Secret Life of Garbage on page 188 (12th Edition Patterns for College Writing; pg 297 14th Edition). Answer questions 1-5 of Style and Structure. 2. Respond to the following questions based on your understanding of Chapter 4 Past is Prologue. Please HANDWRITE or TYPE this assignment, but it will be accepted as a hand-in assignment only. Chapter 4 Analysis Questions: How does Chapter 4 explain the following about Mr. Washington: His lack of a reaction when Mr. John Hays said he (Washington) was a credit to his race (8) His lack of empathy shown towards his Black male colleagues when suggesting students take a class in Black American history. (9) His resistance to mentoring young Black male students at Chelsea (12). His admiration for the white students and Latin culture. His unease at meeting Rashid (13) His surprise at Rashid's asking for extra credit (13) His desire to remain unattached and single in terms of a relationship.
Question #8 Explain the irony in Washington's desire to coach Rashid in cross country. P.S. You do not need to write each question, simply respond to each on your paper. There are a total of eight questions.