Thursday, March 25, 2021

Seniors in Danger of Failing/Not Meeting Promotions Standards

Students who received a grade of "D" or "F" or are in danger of repeating the course due to absences, assignments not completed and uploaded by the due date are eligible to demonstrate their reading and writing ability by doing/completing NEW assignments. Students are NO LONGER able to re-submit or submit the same missed assignment that is often weeks old.  Students will have the chance to demonstrate their understanding by reading several articles or texts chosen by me from Common Lit, Completing SOAPS Analysis and Academic Summary, OR responding to essay prompts, and answering questions from Common Lit. This assignment will be posted on Friday by 11:00 PM. In most cases the assignments will have lock times. If you are unable to complete the assignments by the lock time, they will not be unlocked.  The goal is to have all students who complete the intervention assignments to have a grade of a 56% or higher, so that moving forward, if no assignments are missed, and there is no evidence of plagiarism, the students will pass with a grade of D or C (or better depending on mastery). 

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Expository Composition and Honors World Literature period 6 Assignment

 Today, students, I am in a Local District South ELA Training.  Please find your agenda here: 

Agenda for Today.  Also, here is the assignment as well: Expository Composition 

  1. Complete the Google Form For Attendance:

  2. Listen to the Podcast: Why Is It Still Okay to Trash Poor White People?

  3. Then, complete a SOAPS Analysis of the Article. 

  4. Next read pages 489-492 in the our online text Patterns for College Reading (please note these are the bold pages on the actual book. The section begins: DEFINITION)

  5. Then you may work on two assignments that I have unlocked if you have not done them. 

  6. On Thursday, be prepared to share your group Slide on DEFINITION. 

Honors World Literature 

  1. Please complete the Google Form for Attendance:

  2. Then, in honor of Womens History Month you may read a poem by a female poet (Nikki Giovanni; Sonia Sanchez; Amanda Gorman; Slyvia Plath; or ANY Female Poet)  or ANOTHER TEXT Written by a woman OR read a text written about Womens History Month) and then complete a SOAPS Analysis and ACADEMIC Summary