Good Morning Seniors! I wanted to touch bases with those students who have not been logging in and have been repeatedly missing class during the Schoology Conference time (
if you have attended multiple class sessions and you check in with me and a peer, this IS NOT FOR YOU! You keep up the amazing work!). This message is for those students, who for whatever reason, log in to Schoology and submit work for other classes (I see you), and then want to be given extensions, and help and a pass from me. It. Will. Not. Happen. I have held schoology conferences every week since we have been on quarantine. I have sent messages to students in Schoology, Remind, Flipgrid, and Google Voice! I have helped, re-opened windows, given extensions, and
POINTS FOR ATTENDANCE for just being present during the class. I will not bend over any more than I have already done for those of you who regularly submit work for your other teachers, and have not even tried to work for your English class. I get it: maybe you don't value the work, maybe you dont like me, maybe it is not engaging.
All of those are valid reasons! So then, you must accept my valid reason, when I tell you No-- you may wind up with a COVID D or COVID C on your Final Report Card. Please do not ask me to allow you to make up work. There are several assignments DAILY in Schoology where I have purposely
LEFT THE WINDOW OPEN and you can still Submit. You have to exert some energy to see what assignments those are. The reality is that many students have been able TO RAISE THEIR GRADE, and they are happy knowing that they will finish with A's and B's because of time, investment, and simply showing me that they care. If you dont care about our class, why would......It is a lesson that is important for you to learn, as many colleges and universities will employ distance learning for your first or second semester. Imagine having to to work from a computer when you have NEVER bonded with the professor? That is what many of you will face in the Fall. Had many of you given the bare minimum and found a little bit of internal motivation you would be there. I get it. In times like this--we look to fun, and engaging. But we must also learn to look to dedication, hard work and seriously--just showing up! The reality is that the semester is almost over! Go through Schoology, and find what you can. Directions are usually in the assignments and on the blog. Check with peers, who are willing to help. In many cases the work is easy! Like, some of you missed the Friday Freewrites......ummmmmm When you can get some assignments done (honor policy in effect), then we can chat. I will not accept any late work or remade work after May 25th for Seniors. Sincerely,