Friday, May 26, 2017

H. World Literature Period 5

1. Synthesis essays are due. NO essays accepted after Tuesday. I will accept essays today.
2. Read Chapter 11-13 of The Fall of Rome. Study questions will be posted later this morning.
3. Identify puzzles are also due!

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

AP English Literature

Senior Reflective Essays ARE DUE TOMORROW. If you have not done the collage-- put together a few pictures or images from your high school journey.  If you already have done so and sent it to me during the beginning of the year--don't stress. If you haven't don't worry about it.  The pictures are simply part of reflecting on you and your development over four years. 

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

AP English Literature period 1

1. Senior Reflective Final Drafts of Essays are due THIS THURSDAY, MAY 25th.
2. Final drafts of resumes and one page personal reflections are due on May 30th.
Remember to bring all novels to my class, and all textbooks to the lobby area for book clearances.

Friday, May 19, 2017

H. World Literature Period 5

1. Work on--that is--write your synthesis essay.
2. Work on your Identity Puzzles.
3. Re-read Chapters 4-6. Read Chapter 7. There will be a reading quiz on Tuesday.

AP English Literature Period 1

1. Continue to work AND REVISE your Senior Reflective Essay.
2. Continue to work on/tweek your Resume.
3. Continue to work on your Personal Statement

H. English 10 period 3

1. Select one passage from Fahrenheit 451 that has visual, auditory, or historical imagery.  Copy down that excerpt on your white paper. Then draw the image you see. It must be colored and use most of the page.
2. Finish part 1 of Fahrenheit 451. Then you must complete three full Reading, Reaction Records for pages 35-46ish; 46ish-60; and pages 60-68.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

H. World Literature Period 5

1. Make your cheat sheet to use for your synthesis essay part 2.
2. Finish chapter 4; 5 and 6 of The Fall of Rome.  Make marginal notes, or notes on a sheet of paper. For each chapter, select a sentence or event that is meaningful or poignant.
3. Your Identity Puzzles are NOT DUE YET, however, you should still work on them.  Think of all the various fissures and fractures within your race or ethnicity. 
4.  Work with your group on your literature circle presentation. Due dates are sooner than you think!

AP English Literature

1. Second rough draft due!! Remember to read out loud your first draft. Many students are in different phases of their writing.  Be sure to re-read the prompt so that there is--somewhere in the essay-- a discussion of a text or experience in an English class.  So far, Yesica; Madeline, Salvador and Jose came to their one-on-one feedback appointments.
2. Bring those books that you are reading.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Reading Fahrenheit 451 period 3

Attached is a link to a reading strategy site known as Reading Quest: Making Sense in Social Studies
The site has several graphic organizers and strategies to help you make sense of your reading, summarize it, ask questions of it and engage in a text.  Visit the link above and then download a graphic organizer: Storymap; Storypyramid; Chararacter Plot Map; 3-2-, A,B,C brainstorm or Even QAR Relationships. Complete one of the graphic organizers and submit before 12:57

The Importance of Telling Stories

Today, we will read a series of stories and narratives and look at some of their shared characteristics, in hopes of improving our own stories.
here is the link to the online textbook that has many of the short narratives we will read. Among those I selected are : The Black Table is Still There; No Wonder They Call Me A Bitch; My Field of Dreams; Thirty-Eight Who Say Murder.
I may also suggest, Chanclas; and Hair by Malcolm X.  Textbook linkL

Thursday, May 11, 2017

AP English Literature Senior Tasks

Senior FInal Tasks

1   You and a group will read a novel of your choice daily, in class, and discuss in literature circle groups.  Each member will have a role, from Discussion Director; Tweeter/Summarizer; Connector; Literary Luminary
2.       As discussed, you have a Multi-genre, multi-page Senior Reflective Essay. Final Draft is due on Monday, May 22, 2017
3.       Additionally, as stated, all seniors will review directions and format to compose and or update a Senior Résumé.  Your resume should be formatted to obtain an internship or job.  It should have sections for skillsets; accomplishments and extra-curricular activities in addition to those listed on the Purdue website.
4.       All Seniors will submit a one page Senior Statement of Purpose or Life Philosophy.

Please read, view formats and sample resumes at:
For beginning assistance of a Statement of Purpose, visit the following for tips:
Reflection: What was helpful in the resume workshop? The statement of purpose workshop? What do you want others to know about you, your skill sets, experience, maturity or hardships overcome?

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

H. World Literature period 5

Carefully Re-read, if needed, any portion of The Fall of Rome. Then, for each chapter, create a Reading Reaction Reflection (located under handouts). Complete one for each chapter. You will have three.
2. you may chose to re-read over your reflection and song analysis as we prepare to write the Synthesis Essay Draft.  We will either write it tomorrow or Friday IN CLASS.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

H. English Ten Period 3

1. Write a brief thank you note to the student who provided feedback to your Chapter 3. Thank them for the areas in which you believed you needed help or candid feedback.
2. Continue to work on your chapter 3 paying attention to the Writing Checklist Created in Class.
3. Re-

 1. Continue revising your Chapter 3 Using your rubric and the feedback you were given.
2. Be sure you have studied your Ray Bradbury Reflective Journal, The first several pages of Fahrenheit 451 and the Ray Bradbury Influences for a brief reading quiz.  Also, review punctuating quotations.
3. Be sure to complete the Reading Reaction Record based on re-reading F451.

Friday, May 5, 2017

AP English Literature period 1

I will need to "back off" a little of scoring your assignments to catch up on my sophomores.  Those of you desiring to assist: stop by Monday, or Wednesday, or Thursday from 3:15-4:15 to assist in entering scores for SOAPS, and easy assignments.
2. Be sure that you and your group browse to find either one of the following: A Contemporary Fiction or Other Novel that you and at least 2-3 other students are willing to read and CHECK IT OUT OR ORDER IT.  You must make your decision by Monday.
3. I found the Review Grids.  If you did not get one, you may get it Monday.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

AP English Literature Period 1

1. Review a bit; relax; rest. Get a good breakfast (boiled egg; fruit; granola). Remember to bring two pens and two number two pencils. Meet at 7:30 in the Lobby area to go to Charles Drew.  Ms. Noel will have light snacks that I provided (gum; granola bars; maybe fruit). Enjoy!
AP Reflection will either be uploaded or completed in class.
Bring outstanding books: The Kite Runner; The Fall of Rome; Oedipus (red book) on Thursday.

Monday, May 1, 2017

AP English Literature Period 1

Study. Read. Bring your thesis statement wheel to class. Review any papers, journals notes. Write down factoids about The Kite Runner; Review Your Open Minds...anything to review--and again, rest!