Welcome to the 2022-23 School Year! I hope we have a wonderfully, engaging school year! I use this blog to share many things with you: homework, handouts, rubrics, and resources. I created this blog BEFORE Schoology so there are many resources here that may not be on Schoology. There are resources in Schoology that are not here. Be nimble, flexible and use tools to increase communication and most importantly understanding of the content. Let's get it y'all! Your Teacher, Ms. Guy
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
AP English Literature PEriods 1 & 2 Due Tomorrow
1. You all received the article "A Dozen Demons" by Ellis Cose. Select any ten of the demons (Exclusion from the Club; Faint Praise; Low Expectations; Shattered Hopes, etc) and write briefly about a time when either personally or academically, you experienced any 10 of those "demons". You do not need to read the article as of yet, feel free to change names to protect the innocent or guilty, lol.
2. Read (BOTH CLASSES) Up to and including page 85 of The Fall of Rome. You will have a READING QUIZ on the novel tomorrow. BOTH CLASSES
3. Please do not forget to bring your Perrine Literature Textbooks as well as those old King Lear book lying underneath your pillow (lol).
Friday, May 16, 2014
AP English L iterature Period 1
Complete an Open Mind. YOu may divide the Open mind into two sections, or even three or four, as space for the Chapters Mr. Washington, Rashid, Ms. Hansen, and/or Gerald. Use a combination of symbols/pictures and images plus two character revealing quotes or actions in each section. You must have no fewer than twelve images or small pictures on the total open mind, regardless to your how many section you divide the Open mind into. Finish reading the novel up to page 85, and complete any questions you were unable to do today during period one. Be ready for a reading quiz on Chapters 1-4 by Tuesday.
Monday, May 12, 2014
AP English Literature Periods 1&2
In class today, May 12th, we read Chapters 1 and 2 of The Fall of Rome. If you do not have the text yet, you may check it out from the library; or download the Kindle copy of the PDF. By Wednesday (for period 2) and Thursday for Period 1, all students must have answers to the following questions: 1. What is the purpose of having different point of view? Why is Washington's chapter first person? Rashid's Chapter (Chapter 2, in omniscient) and the chapter about Ms. Hansen, also first person? Compare and contrast Rashid Bryon's upbringing and motivation to that of the young, affluent boys who attend Chelsea. Why does Rashid's older brother Kofi attend Mt. Herndon? Why does Rashid attend Chelsea? What additional motivation do Kofi and Rashid have for attending a boarding school that the other, more affluent students do not?
2. Complete the Circles Chart. What impact does your race; ethnicity; gender; social class; education have on who you are--or how others see you? Which of these variables exerts the most impact on your personality? Read the Self-Awareness Handout, and complete it. Include a one page reflection concerning which of these variables most influences who you are now OR how you feel you are perceived. Good luck tomorrow on the AP Government Test!
Friday, May 2, 2014
AP English Literature Period 1&2 Homework
1. Complete your "one pager" be sure that you have a thesis. Underline it in your essay.
2. Visit http://dl.keywin.org/a/6/a660d071e2e96992300af73b0b57b067.pdf This is the link to an online study guide for AP English Literature. At this point, I believe the work you have done has prepared you, so try not to spend too much time reading the pointers, rather practice taking the test. Please take the Practice Test which begins on page 347 and ends on page 363 (page numbers may be different on your computer). PLEASE DONOT LOOK AT ANSWERS until after you are finished. You are to take the ENTIRE TEST including two essays: one on the poetry question; another on prose. DO NOT DO THE FREE RESPONSE, SINCE YOU ARE ALREADY DOING THAT WITH YOUR ONE PAGER.
3. You do not have to print out the exam, if you would like, write out your answers to the multiple choice on another sheet. Extra Credit for doing the Multiple Choice: 10 points (or the equivalent of 1 missed or missing journal entries).
Extra Credit for doing the essays: 30 points extra credit. Why? Because it is slightly harder to cheat.
Reminder: AP Review is on Monday, May 5th afterschool from 3:15-4:20. You may bring snacks or pitch in $2.00 for Pizza--I will need your donation by lunchtime. We need napkins, plates as well.
If I havenot received your Major Data Worksheet for The Kite Runner (periods 1 and 2) it is due; and your Major Data Worksheet for your Independent Reading Novel (period 2) it is also due. I will accept these on Tuesday. Get some rest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Many, not all of you have journals from first semester readings in class. If you have these, drop by during homeroom to pick them up and actually read.
Lastly, several students have asked, "After the AP Exam, what next?" Many of you need additional points to restore your A's and B's. To that end, we will read The Fall of Rome by Martha Soutgate. It is a contemporary novel about race, class and privilege. It is a delightful, short and powerful read. If you did not order it during Winter Break, you must order it and have it by May 9th. We will then have 7 days to read 11 chapters (a chapter and a half each day). The assignments I ask of you will be done in class, as opposed to for homework. For many of you this will be the last and only opportunity to pass. If everyone does not have their own physical copy of the book on Friday, May 9th--we will not read it...and you will pretty much stay where you are in terms of points! The book is not online, nor is it an e-reader.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
AP English Literature Periods 1&2
Directions: Select one of the following Free Response Questions. Read the Prompt Carefully, and then go back to that actual segment in your text. Re-read that section before writing your one pager. You may use King Lear; The Kite Runner; Oedipus (either one); or your literature circle text from Independent Reading.
In many novels, having a role model or lacking one can impact a characters behavior. Choose a novel or play of literary merit in which the lack of or possession of a role model shapes a character in an important way. Discuss how this lack of or acquisition of a role model ontributes to the meaning of the work as whole.
2. In many novels and plays, there is a certain word, phrase, a refrain, that is repeated or used several times throughout the text, that holds significant influence, or weight over a character or characters, or the story. Choose a novel or play with a repeated phrase. In a well-written essay, explain the meaning of this phrase and how it impacts the characters, the story, and the work as whole.
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