Sunday, February 28, 2016

AP Lit; H. English Ten; H. World Lit

Act I scenes 3-5 1. Why does Kent show up at the Castle, disguised? What does he hope to do? 2. For what reason has Lear angered Goneril? What does she claim is going on, and how does she intend to but Lear in check? 3. What evidence is there that Lear is beginning to regret his actions toward Cordelia? Quote a line that he says as evidence. 4. What is a kite? Why does Lear compare Goneril to one? 5. By whipping Oswald, Goneril's steward, what are Lear and Kent saying or implying indirectly to Goneril? 6. What message does Goneril intend to communicate with her sister Regan in a letter? 7. Why does Lear write a letter to Regan as well? What does he want to say or tell her? 8. What does Edmund learn from Curan? Who was going to make a visit that evening? 9. In addition to the forged letter, what else does Edmund do to turn his father Gloucester against his son Edgar?
2. Reading Quiz on scenes 3-end of Act I tomorrow.

AP English Literature: Your Exams are due tomorrow!
H. World Literature: Your poems, modelled after Nikki Rosa are due tomorrow!
H. World Literature: Song that connects with Act I--scenes 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 due tomorrow (need: Song Title; Artist; and Lyric that relates or connect to line or quote from Lear. Write one paragraph describing the connections in either character; theme; allusions; or conflict!)

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