Monday, January 29, 2018

H. English Ten period 5 Lord of the Flies Close Reading Questions

Homework: Use the Character Bio-Poem or I Am Poem under Class Readings and Important Handouts to write 3 Poems: One for Piggy; 1 for Ralph and 1 for any other character in the text other than Jack. 

Close Reading Questions (second part of Chapter 1 Lord of The Flies)
1. Why do you think the author includes the details that some of the children were naked (or partially naked)? What might this reveal or predict?
2.  Why is it significant to have a set of twin boys on the island?
3. Describe Jack. How is he physically different from the boys around him?
4. What does Jack say that distinguishes him from the other boys?
5. Briefly, compare and contrast Ralph and Jack in physical appearance.  Contrast Jack's reaction to the the reality that there were no grownups on the island.
6. Why do you think the boys elect Ralph and not Jack as "chief"?
7. What does the word "chief" connote? Why do you think the author chooses that word and not leader, boos, head, director?
8.  Why do you think, deep down, that Ralph makes Jack the 'unofficial VP' of the island, so to speak? What does Ralph allow Jack to do/control?
9. How does Jack respond/interact with Piggy? Why does this foreshadow or predict?
10.  How do you feel toward Ralph? Piggy? At the end of the chapter/ page 25.

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