Tuesday, May 5, 2015

AP Lit Periods 1 and 6

I was slightly disappointed that more students could not meet today afterschool, unless you had a flat tire! In any case, today's review was extremely productive. In case you are interested, I attached the AP Review Activity Document under Class Readings and Handouts.
I strongly urge you to review: The Letters of King Lear (who wrote them; why? briefly what did they say; who was supposed to get them; how did they move or impact the plot?)-- this is actually on the handout with a few other review activities.  Also, review what you feel to be your weakness. The Perrine Test is also great for you to re-read sections on point of view; characters; poetry; setting; all those great things.
2. We are meeting tomorrow morning at 7:30 in room 114 for a light breakfast and photo juice; carrots; granola; maybe a lil' fruit; green tea to get you going.  No bagels or stuff to make you sluggish.
3. Try to get some rest. Remember two pens and pencils and no bags. You may leave your bag in my closet.
Ms. Guy


  1. Good Job today everyone! Mario I saw how you gave it your all in the multiple choice question! Carlos I liked how you brainstormed for that last Question. Gualberto. I didn't see you.

  2. Oh and Ricardo I saw you working on a lefty desk. But that didn't stop you from writing!! You go man.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Shout out to Chris for excelling on the prose passage and not giving up on the poem even though he struggled in class. Ivan for writing 4 pages on the open ended prompt, and George for using his knowledge of literary techniques. Arnold, you were a machine, writing 4 pages for each FRQ. I also want to congratulate Gustavo for trying his best, and thank Khani for cheering us on from outside.

  5. Hello everyone, I'd like to thank everyone who decided to proceed with the test, Ms Guy, I almost earned a few flats, I was doing a few burnouts on the street, luckily I wasnt left stranded.

  6. Don't forget though guys! Like Mario's suegra said. We can't do it without god! We have to thank him honestly because without him we can't deal with life. He is the guy that wakes us up every morning and helps us out in 1st period!

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  8. Therefore, everyone wear your finest attire tomorrow because Javier will be praying. Wear it not only for the prayer, but for the funeral of Gualberto's dignity after a disastrous attempt at formulating a sentence in proper English. In addition, please bring your blankets and pillows as we will be engaging in a group nap. Make sure to bring all necessary napping supplies with you, since none will be provided. Lastly, please be prepared to write a 10 page essay analyzing how the curriculum prepared you for the AP test - after the aforementioned nap.

  9. I nearly forgot, shout out to Aaron for taking his How To Read Literature Like a Professor book to the test! Excellent move, sir.

  10. Isn't that quit slick, he should get his test revoked, it is an aid, that we went through out the year. I condescend you.

  11. Lord, your English is a tragedy! It's like reading French sentences in English on google translate. Good thing you didn't take the test Gualberto; they don't give stars anymore.

  12. Replies
    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Oh, son, you are quite oblivious to the greater meaning, do a rhetorical analysis. You will discover yourself greater.

  15. Oh man, you all need to chill before we end up writing an analytical essay on why seniors shouldn't have Internet access

  16. Why is Gualberto assigning work that he can't do himself?

  17. Chris, are you aiming at her giving us one?

  18. Chris doesn't care. He's only going to write one sentence anyway.
