Tuesday, May 14, 2019

AP English Literature period 1

1. Consider the directorial changes made to the 2018 King Lear Adaptation.  Identify two changes/alterations made and their impact on the text.  You may want to consider such things like--how did a change or changes impact a theme (you would then identify that theme)?  Your understanding of the play.  Which changes did you like? Which did you not like and why?

2. Who would you cast in a 2019 Adaptation of King Lear? Which actors would you cast as:Lear?Kent?Cordelia? Goneril? Regan? Edmund? Edgar? Oswald? Albany? etc.

3. Critics call King Lear one of Shakespeare's most majestic and complex plays. Why do you think Lear has appeared on more AP Literature Free Response questions that even Hamlet?

4.  Forgive and forget  or thank you!  Write a letter of forgiveness to a friend or family member for something that they did to wrong you (or something you did to wrong them) OR write a thank you letter to someone who has aided you here at King Drew.  Include a salutation and proper closing.

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