Thursday, April 11, 2019

The Stranger Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions
Select any two of the following and discuss:
1. In the text, Meursault states in a matter of fact way, "that people don't change their lives." In many ways this seems inaccurate, but in many ways it is true.  Think back to Mr. Washington in The Fall of Rome. Think to Amir in The Kite Runner. Change is one of the most hardest things to do. Why? Discuss why people rarely change.
2. In The Stranger, Marie asks Meursault if he loves her, and he says no. Clearly he is not affectionate as she would like him to be, yet she hangs around.  Why do people hang around or settle when they are not totally happy or fulfilled? Discuss the idea of settling. Is it ever okay to settle?
3. We don't really like Meursault, in part because he seems so upfront and direct and says things that he is thinking, but perhaps should not be said out loud.  Why do we often have a problem with those who say what they are thinking? Is this always a negative trait, or are words, according to the Ibo, meant to be "eaten with palm oil"?

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