Friday, October 2, 2015

H. Expository Comp. Period 6

Carefully read Chapter two of Nickled and Dimed. For every eight  pages of reading, select one quote or statement from the book. Copy it down and respond and interact with that statement. What does it reveal? Predict? Show? Connect with? Your response should be at least a folded page (hot dog way)
Also, answer the following questions: 1. How much are customers charged for Maid Service? How much are the maids actually paid? 2. Why does Barbara break out in a rash? What is she able to do that most workers would not, had they broke out in a rash? When Barbara needs help, later on in this chapter, she learns that most of the assistance that is available for the poor is during work hours. Explain the irony in that situation. Why do you think Ted gives Barbara a raise when she doesn't work as much as the other maids, and is not as loyal?

2. Final Draft of your Essay is due on Monday. You have the option of submitting only the Narrative Portion on Monday, and Continuing to work on the Expository part. 

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